Metabolism Overview


  • Classify major forms of energy, including kinetic and potential energy and some of their subcategories.
  • Summarize the first two laws of thermodynamics and how they impact living organisms.
  • Calculate the change in free energy for some reactions, and apply this calculation to the process of energy coupling.
  • Use correct terminology to describe reactions that release or require energy.
  • Summarize the role of ATP in the body, how it provides energy to power cellular processes, and what the body does when it runs out of ATP.
  • Describe major structural characteristics of enzymes using correct terminology. Discuss how an enzyme speeds up a reaction, why this is biologically important, and what happens to the enzyme and substrate after the reaction is complete.
  • Compare and contrast two major types of inhibitors and how they act. Discuss a situation in which it might be desirable for the body to produce an inhibitor.


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