Lab 3-Looking for Behavioral Differences between Beetle populations (oviposition)
- Due Apr 19, 2017 by 11am
- Points 10
- Submitting on paper
Note: Prelabs (purpose, background, materials and methods) are due at the beginning of lab.
In this lab, we will be looking at one specific beetle behavior (oviposition, which means egg laying) and doing an experiment to test whether female beetles from different populations prefer to lay their eggs on different bean types.
Determine what types of beans are preferred by female bean beetles for oviposition (egg laying) and whether females from different populations have different bean preferences.
Your background should include:
Information about what types of behaviors bean beetles have.
Information about what types of beans beetles prefer to oviposit on - anything you can find that other people have already researched about this.
How many eggs each female can lay, and how long it usually takes
At least two cited sources should be from a peer-reviewed scientific journal. We learned about how to find and recognize peer-reviewed journal articles in lab last week using the RTC library databases and Google Scholar.
A hypothesis and prediction (note: write your prediction after you've done your materials and methods, since it's supposed to be specific and talk about your predicted difference between groups).
Your materials and methods should include:
Names of the beetle populations and what beans they were raised on. (you can find this in the powerpoint slides in our lab module)
Types of beans we will have available. We will have garbanzo beans, black-eyed peas, mung beans, lima beans, and green peas.
Forceps for moving beetles, and petri plates to put them in (you can measure the petri plates in lab and add that information)
A detailed, step-by-step procedure for how you will do the experiment, including what variables you will manipulate (different groups of beetles) and what variable(s) you will measure, how many beans and beetles will be in each petri plate, etc. I recommend looking at the methods from the journal article we read in lab 2 to see an example of how he set up the number of beans and beetles per dish and how many replicates he used.
Note: your whole lab group will work on one experiment together. After comparing notes, you may need to make changes to your methods in lab; that's okay.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
You came to lab on time with all prelab materials completed. I will deduct a point for every 10 minutes late.
You contributed positively towards your lab group and did your fair share of the work. You didn't make safety errors or waste lab supplies. This includes wearing gloves when appropriate, disposing of waste in the proper place, and cleaning up your lab materials and table.
Total Points:
out of 10