Posted 02.12 ~ King County Severe Weather Shelter (UPDATE)

The King County Department of Community and Human Services will offer 25 emergency shelter beds at the 4th and Jefferson Day Center in light of forecasted below freezing temperatures and snow.

  • King County’s Severe Weather Shelter will be open Tuesday night, February 9th 2021 through Saturday night, February 13th 2021.

  • The Severe Weather Shelter location has been changed to the 4th and Jefferson Day Center (420 4th Ave. Seattle, WA 98104 Links to an external site.) in Downtown Seattle.

The shelter serves people who identify as men, age 18 and older from 8:00 PM to 8:00 AM.  People may go directly to the shelter, referral forms are NOT required.  The Shelter will check-in guests until it reaches capacity.

The shelter is an emergency, mat on floor shelter operated by Salvation Army staff.

For additional information, please e-mail

You can anticipate future updates from this email address if forecasted weather conditions change.

 Thank you.

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Open at 8pm nightly

The Seattle Severe Weather Shelter serves adults,

18 years and older, all genders.

The shelter will operate at Fisher Pavilion (305 Harrison Street) on the Seattle Center Campus near the Armory most nights.

Wednesday night location to be determined – Update when confirmed!

Dates and Location of Severe Weather Shelter:

Tuesday, Feb. 9th – Fisher Pavilion at Seattle Center

Wednesday, Feb 10th – Location to be determined.

Update to follow when confirmed.

Thursday, Feb. 11th – Fisher Pavilion at Seattle Center

Friday, Feb 12th – Fisher Pavilion at Seattle Center

Saturday, Feb 13th – Fisher Pavilion at Seattle Center

Sunday, Feb 14th – Fisher Pavilion at Seattle Center

Severe Weather Shelter is operated by The Salvation Army  

Vicky Navarro

KCPN Liaison
