Posted 04.19 ~ 6th Annual Renton Career Fair Announcement

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screenshot of career fair 2021 flyer

We are excited to share with you regarding the 6th Annual Renton Career Fair. In collaboration with the City of Renton, Renton Chamber of Commerce, and WorkSource Seattle-King County, we will be holding a virtual career fair on May 19th from 1 – 5 p.m.

We are waiting on a final list of employers who will be in attendance. Yet, around 50 employers from various industries will attend the fair this year.  We would greatly appreciate it if you could encourage your students to attend the event.

In addition, collaborating with the King County Library System, we will host a couple of resume review sessions the week before the Career Fair (May 10th - 13th from 2 – 4 p.m.).  This Resume Review session will offer an opportunity to job seekers regarding updating their resume, organizational and formatting tips, designing an attractive cover letter and practicing their pitch. The meeting link is listed as below:

Job Fair Resume Review Links to an external site.

  • Meeting ID: 871 3949 6429
  • Passcode: 416679 Links to an external site. & Download 2021 Career Fair Flyer.pdf

Thank you for your support in advance and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


Bo Dong
Career Services Manager

Learning Resource and Career Center
425-235-2352 ext. 5717  | Links to an external site.
Pronouns: she, her, hers