Posted 10.26 ~ Campus Power Outage (Updates)

  • (4:54PM) UPDATE After the power came back on today we discovered several building’s access control systems have not been functioning normally. We are not sure if the right schedule will execute tomorrow as planned and it’s possible staff access cards will not work on buildings B, C, and F. Building I appears to be working, but certain newer staff members access cards may not work. We are working on troubleshooting these issues with our security technology contractor Convergint Technologies.

    When we have buildings, B, C, and F back online and functioning we will notify the campus.
    ADA access doors on the above buildings will be affected as they are tied into the access control systems.

    Thank you for your patience during this service interruption. 
  • (12:04PM) UPDATE:  Power has been restored to campus and College Technology Services. Classes scheduled to start after 2 p.m. will meet as scheduled. There will be no in-person campus services today. Employees will resume remote work unless requested by their supervisors to report to campus.
  • (9:40AM) UPDATE: This power outage continues to affect many on campus technology services. We have decided to suspend campus operations until 2:00PM today. CANVAS is NOT IMPACTED. Contact your instructor with questions, as needed. 
  • (8:08AM) IMPORTANT: Due to an electrical issue on NE 4th St. crews are working to restore power and RTC morning classes on campus are cancelled.