Posted 10.13 ~ RTC Library Invites You to Celebrate Media Literacy Week Oct 24-28!

To-Do Date: Oct 26 at 11:59pm

Purpose: To let you know about media literacy resources and free events during Media Literacy Week. 

Good Afternoon!  

Please join the RTC Library in celebrating Media Literacy Week from October 24-28. Throughout the next two weeks, we will have displays, resources, activities and events in the Library to highlight media literacy and how we can be more responsible digital citizens.  

A very brief background 

Governor Inslee has proclaimed October 24-28 to be Media Literacy Education Week in the state of Washington. Media literacy is defined Links to an external site. as "the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create, and act using all forms of communication." In today's world, we are inundated with media messaging more than ever before. Given the rise of online misinformation and fake news, skyrocketing anxiety, depression and body dysmorphia related to social media, and increasing political tensions and divisions, what are the strategies, tools, and habits we need to cultivate in order to thrive in this new media Links to an external site. landscape? 

Media Literacy Resource Guide 

We have created a resource guide Links to an external site. to help you and students explore these issues. Reach out to the RTC Library anytime to collaborate on embedding media literacy skills into class activities, or to have a librarian speak about these topics in your classroom.  

Events during Media Literacy Week 

We are proud to present four free events hosted by the RTC Library. Please see the attached flyer (also below) for more details. Special shout out to Wade Parrott and Mark Daniels for partnering with us to present these exciting programs! 
