Posted 11.3 - Information Session on Nov. 7 for RTC Healthcare, Tech, & Trades Programs

RTC Healthcare, Tech & Trades Programs for All- FLEX Information Session

Tuesday, November 7  at 3:00-4:30 pm

Female welding student with text that says Find your place.


Event Flyers:




Information Session Schedule

When:  Tuesday, November 7, 3:00-4:30 PM

Where:  RTC Library, room C-204 (in-person)

         or click Zoom (online meeting) Links to an external site.or scan

Mitzi Zoom room QRL code scan me.

Goal: Share program & career information with students in high school, HS+, CCP, and people in our community


Agenda for Information Session

RTC Tech & Trades Programs for Women
  • 3:00-3:10 pm: Welcome, Mitzi Philpott
  • 3:10-3:25 pm: Automotive Technology, Ryan Hoaglin 
  • 3:25-3:40 pm: Engineering Design Technology, Mike Biell and Andrea Bates (graduate)

  • 3:40-3:55 pm: Mechatronics, Jeremy Thorn

  • 3:55-4:00 pm: Welding, Elisa Stuart (Mitzi will share Program information)

RTC Healthcare Programs for Men

  •  4:00-4:15 pm: Surgical Technologist, Megan Graham
  •  4:15-4:30 pm: Veterinary Assistant, Laura Roede
  •   4:30 pm: Conclusion, Mitzi Philpott