Posted 01.05 ~ Emergency College Closure Information Reminder


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Good morning and welcome back,

This information was sent out at the beginning of November. As we know Winter Quarter is typically the quarter that we have the most weather issues. I thought I would share this information again with the start of the new quarter. Please read closely as things are a little different this year.

Renton Technical College Campus Closure Information


Purpose: How to find school closure information in the event that Renton Technical College should close or suspend operations due to weather or other emergencies.

Context: With most employees teleworking and most students taking online classes, we will provide very clear messaging on whether the college is suspending operations (meaning no work or classes) or whether access to campus is restricted or prohibited (work and classes continue remotely).

Closure Considerations: We will consider all factors, including safety and equity for those who work and study on campus and those doing so at home. We will provide clear messaging if there is a need for suspended operations (when the college is closed for business) or campus closures (when access to the college is restricted) due to inclement weather. 

Weather in the Puget Sound area is dynamic, can change rapidly, and affect some areas but not others. If your home or routes to campus are affected by severe weather, use your best judgment on whether it is safe for you to come to RTC if the campus is open.

Resources: For more information on how to prepare for severe weather incidents, power outages, and other emergencies please visit Links to an external site. ( Links to an external site.).

AlertusThis is the quickest way to learn about schedule changes. A push notification will be sent to your smart phone about any College closures. It is quick and easy to sign to register after downloading the application.

Anyone can sign up by following the instructions below: 

  1. Download the Alertus Recipient AppAlertus Recipient App
  2. Links to an external site.Enter the following information
    • Organization Code: RTCEDU
    • Your email address: ________
    • PIN: 1942
  3. Verify your email to start receiving RTC emergency alerts

RTC websiteClosure information will be listed on the RTC website Links to an external site. (

Social MediaCheck the College’s social media outlets to find out about closures.

Facebook Links to an external site. ( Links to an external site.)

Twitter Links to an external site. ( Links to an external site.)

TelevisionThe following stations are recommended and should have information about Renton Technical College, scrolling on the bottom of the screen:


Radio stations: The following radio stations may voluntarily run closure information.  We recommend that you have a radio station tuned into one of the following stations, but not to rely on receiving information solely from this source:

KUBE 93.3 FM, KSWD 94.1 FM, KUOW 94.9 FM, KJR 95.7 FM, KIRO 97.3 FM, KOMO 97.7 FM,

KPLZ 101.5 FM, KCMS 105.3 FM, and KBKS 106.1 FM 

KCIS 630 AM, KIRO 710 AM, KIXI 880 AM, KJR 950 AM, and KOMO 1000 AM     

Telephone: Call the college at 425-235-2352 and press 9 for the latest operating schedule. Keep in mind that if many people are calling at the same time, the lines will be busy.

FlashAlert: Log on to FlashAlert Links to an external site. ( Links to an external site.) and search “Renton Technical College” to view the College’s message there. Please note we are NOT part of the Renton School District.

 Thank you.

Michelle Canzano
Executive Assistant
Administration and Finance

425-235-2471 | Links to an external site.
Pronouns: she, her, hers