Posted 08.05 ~ COVID-19 Policy
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PURPOSE: To notify the campus community that vaccinations against COVID-19 will be required for on-campus students and employees starting Fall 2021
Renton Technical College will require vaccinations of all college students, faculty, and staff who will be on campus starting in Fall 2021 unless they claim a qualifying exemption. All students, faculty, and staff involved in on-campus instruction, operations, activities, and gatherings must be fully vaccinated against COVID. Individuals who have a medical, religious, or philosophical exemption or are in the process of becoming fully vaccinated must continue to wear masks on campus.
We made this decision to provide more flexible educational opportunities and to protect public health.
The Governor’s Proclamation for Institutions of Higher Education Links to an external site. allows colleges who choose to require vaccinations to forego many of the COVID-19 restrictions, including masks, social distancing, and daily health screenings if it is safe to do so.
We’re announcing it now so that anyone who has not been vaccinated has ample time to do so. You are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after your second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or two weeks after your single Johnson and Johnson shot. Our plan also accommodates late and continuous class registration.
While the proclamation allows colleges not to require masks for those who are vaccinated, we have not yet made that determination for Fall Quarter given the high level of transmission in the county at this time. The College reserves the right to require face coverings as public health guidelines or state or county regulations change. Please note that throughout the summer, masks will be required indoors for everyone on campus.
Everyone claiming an exemption to the vaccine requirement must wear a face covering, as well as every volunteer, contractor, and visitor per Department of Health and Labor & Industry safety requirements Links to an external site..
All students and employees participating in on-campus activities must verify their vaccination status with the College or claim an exemption. The electronic verification form is expected to be available after August 13. Students and staff involved in completely remote instruction or work do not need to verify their status. If they come to campus for any reason, they must follow the same mask requirements as visitors.
We understand that many people will wear masks even if they are vaccinated; currently, the ongoing use of face coverings for vaccinated and unvaccinated people is recommended by Seattle-King County Public Health to reduce transmission of cases fueled by variants. We recognize that wearing a mask does not indicate anyone’s vaccination status and expect all members of our community to respect each other, no matter their vaccination status or opinion.
RTC also recognizes that some members of our community have religious, medical, or philosophical reasons for declining the vaccine. You can learn more about the vaccine Links to an external site. or review the RTC Library’s Resource Guide Links to an external site..
Simply put, being vaccinated against COVID-19 significantly reduces the risks associated with the disease, including death, hospitalization, and the severity of short and long-term effects of the disease. Currently, the vast majority of people severely affected by COVID-19 and its variants have not been vaccinated. The disease and its long-term effects disrupt the educational process and individuals’ ability to learn. Find a vaccine here Links to an external site.. The College also will host on-campus vaccine clinics. We will share those opportunities through email, text, and Canvas. Instructors and supervisors will work with students and employees to ensure that time off for a vaccine or related side effects will not interrupt academic progress or work.
The details of procedures and processes needed to implement this policy are under development and we look forward to sharing those with you in the future.
I thank you all for your continued flexibility and vigilance. Remember, we are all in this together.
Kevin D. McCarthy, Ph.D.
425-235-2235 |
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