18:05:14 Hey. 18:05:17 So, I guess I will get started let me start recording. 18:05:45 Get everything situated. 18:06:23 All right. 18:06:25 Can everybody see my screen. 18:06:30 Yep. 18:06:31 Yep. 18:06:33 Okay. 18:06:39 So 18:06:39 my name is just an LS, and I am your instructor for network programming in Python. 18:06:51 Just a little bit about me. 18:06:54 I work for a local trucking company called Graham trucking. 18:07:01 And I, as a hobby. 18:07:03 I sometimes work on these hydroplane that's that seafaring stuff. 18:07:11 And then, that's just me and my wife also have a black lab name Kona. 18:07:25 So, for this class. 18:07:29 The requirements are a personal computer, please let me know if you need help attain obtaining one. 18:07:39 And also, you are expected to be the master of your own domain. 18:07:47 I can help with issues with your operating system, but there are some things I do not know. Um, again, operating systems are very complex and, like, if something doesn't work. 18:08:04 I can help you brainstorm it. And, but sometimes it can get too complicated, even for me. 18:08:12 And I can help you try to resolve it. 18:08:18 and but before asking me. 18:08:23 Try to find the answer yourself. 18:08:28 And as a future. 18:08:33 As the future it professional. 18:08:36 Google is your best friend. 18:08:39 Google has tons of information. Why, especially with like Stack Overflow, and other websites. 18:08:50 You might not be able to find the whole answer, but you can at least find part of it. 18:09:00 course outcomes. 18:09:04 Recognize select, and use expressions with the Python interactive shell. 18:09:10 Understand flow control and apply operations to create a program functions and statements. 18:09:18 Understand list data types dictionaries and the structuring of data. 18:09:27 Explain and manipulate strings and search of texts patterns with expressions. 18:09:34 Explain how many, how programs read and write data to files. 18:09:58 Use copy move. Rename and delete functions to organize data use various Python debugging tools 18:09:55 in the course schedule today is introduction to Python. 18:10:02 Week Two is simple Python data. 18:10:07 Week Three is functions week for selection. 18:10:12 Week Five is Python turtle graphics and iteration. 18:10:17 Week Six is unit testing week seven is strings week eight is lifts week nine is files with 10 is dictionaries GitHub, in the final project. 18:10:34 And then week, 11 and 12 is continuing to work on your final project. 18:10:43 Horse tools rune stone is the reading, and it's all on online, and it's free. 18:10:53 Pie charm is what we're going to use in the second half of class. 18:10:58 And that is how we're going to do some interactive Python, Python, and a GitHub is how you guys are going to post your project code. 18:11:18 Grade breakdown. 18:11:20 50% of your grade is going to be on weekly assignments. 18:11:25 30% is going to be on quizzes. 18:11:29 And 20% is going to be on your final project. 18:11:35 This is the grading curve, it should be the same as your other class. 18:11:40 If you get above and 90. That's a that a B pluses 87, and so on. 18:11:54 Submission rules. 18:11:58 11:59pm Thursday, so one week after the assignment is taught, so that means assignments assignment this week, are going to be due next Thursday at 11:59pm. 18:12:15 That way it gives you guys one full week, as well as one office hour to ask any questions, late submissions are accepted at a 10% deduction, up to week eight late submission deadline is June 3 and assignments, after this are doing a weekly basis until 18:12:39 the end of the quarter. 18:12:42 Now, I, I, it's kind of like, I try to keep it like you're working, and sometimes life does happen, but 10% deduction is, if you do not communicate with me, that you cannot turn assignment. 18:13:07 Let's say something happened. 18:13:16 And you are unable to make class, and you are an open communication with me. 18:13:17 I will almost every time. So you can turn in your assignment late. 18:13:22 I just want you to be open with me, so that way I can. 18:13:30 I know what's going on. 18:13:32 And look like the real world. If you just don't turn something in you can get in trouble by your boss. 18:13:39 But if you're open and upfront with them. 18:13:44 They will work with you and what you have going on. I will do the same. 18:13:50 Any questions on late submissions. 18:14:03 Okay, 18:14:06 academic dishonesty. 18:14:12 You know, this was just came from different rules of the college. 18:14:22 Basically, for us and our class. 18:14:29 I wasn't gonna go into depth, I just had to share that. You can use any sort. As long as the site 18:14:37 parts of your problem can most likely be searched. 18:14:41 Usually full solution is not there always cite your sources. This includes from. 18:14:52 This includes from classmates. 18:14:57 Always make sure that you cite your sources. 18:15:06 Any questions on setting your sources. 18:15:15 Yes, so if you use sources you only get 80% is the maximum you can receive outside source. If someone. 18:15:29 I'm going to pedal in case you the first time. 18:15:32 And then the second time. 18:15:36 Just when in doubt, cite your sources. 18:15:39 Because we have to give credit to who ever found part of the original problem. 18:15:47 But if there's tons of citations and I'm not going to dock you for how many sources he site. I just want. 18:15:59 It's also to help you. 18:16:02 Where you got the code from. 18:16:08 Because what I've written quite a few different you know Python files. 18:16:15 I can't remember. Sometimes, where I work for found the answer, citing your sources, help you do that. 18:16:25 Does that make sense. 18:16:29 Yes. 18:16:30 Okay. 18:16:36 So there are different ways to run Python. 18:16:40 You can do it on your virtual virtual machine for RTC, you can. If you can't, And also on your personal computer, like pie term is what we're going to be using mainly 18:16:58 a canvas Python interpreter, there is a third party that we can get with Canvas. And then also, in rune stone, there is an interactive interpreter for the book. 18:17:11 But for the most part we should be just using the books interpreter and pie charms 18:17:24 writing code in this course, a line at the start. 18:17:30 I need a comment line. Let me at the start describing what the programs purposes. 18:17:36 I don't know what the programs for pretend like I have no idea. 18:17:40 And I, I hear. So when you write a code, you need to state what the code is going to do a line at the start, a comment line at the start, detailing, who wrote the code, and when. 18:17:57 And then a comment for any magic number that is us some, some code may not have, what a magic number, a magic number is something that not explicitly defined in your code, like it could be an arbitrary number that you kind of make up for programming. 18:18:17 And in a way to make sure your code has have less comments, is to make it self documenting, and I am going to post my PowerPoint later. 18:18:29 And it will, you will have access to all of this. 18:18:40 Are there any questions about what I just went over. 18:19:16 I charm. 18:19:20 See here. 18:19:25 All right. 18:19:27 I need to share a different screen. 18:19:34 Let me just make sure. 18:19:52 Whoops. 18:19:49 I'm just getting. 18:20:05 So, 18:20:20 sorry about this I'm trying to get to where I need to get. 18:20:35 Okay. 18:20:38 So, 18:20:42 I'm, I'm in student view of the course. So the first place that you're going to go is under modules. 18:20:59 Sorry about that. Hang on a second. 18:21:07 Under the syllabus. 18:21:12 Under materials and textbooks needed to succeed. 18:21:19 There is a link that says pie charm. edu. 18:21:24 Click on that. 18:21:27 That brings you here. 18:21:30 Then you click download free. 18:21:38 And then download. 18:21:42 This is how you get patron. edu. 18:21:49 And then once you download it, Then, you can. 18:21:58 What it at the bottom left, it's going to say courses. 18:22:03 And once you get there. 18:22:06 You're going to actually have to create a stepping account. 18:22:14 So, let me see here. 18:23:06 Sorry about that. 18:23:09 I'm trying anything with computers, trying to fix it. 18:23:16 Okay. 18:23:19 So, you need to create a static account. 18:23:22 So, 18:23:26 I already have one. 18:23:31 But you will have to 18:23:36 create one. 18:23:40 And to create it. 18:23:43 So, you can hit register. 18:23:50 So, and just just create it. And then after you are done. 18:23:58 I want you. 18:24:03 I want you to join this course. 18:24:20 stop my share for a second. Because I've just noticed it's not in view for you. 18:24:40 Inside Canvas. So let me get back to it. 18:24:45 Alright. 18:24:51 So, This click on this joined step in class. 18:24:59 This is what you're going to copy and paste into your browser. 18:25:12 And you would hit register up here if you haven't done so, or login, if you've already have an account. 18:25:21 And then you would just click join. 18:25:34 So 18:25:40 in my case. 18:25:53 So if I pasted that again. 18:25:57 I'm already part of this class. 18:26:05 And so, 18:26:10 What you would do. 18:26:14 So you just go to my courses. 18:26:18 It learn. 18:26:21 And then you would copy this. 18:26:25 Or, then you would just go to the class and make sure you copy this browser, which I will post on canvas for you. 18:26:37 And you just add that course. 18:26:40 Now this is for what is called the, this is actually for week six and beyond. So, but if you already know Python, and you would like and attempt at the first problem. 18:26:56 Go ahead and go for it. 18:27:00 And then, If you feel comfortable with Python, it's not required until week six. 18:27:09 So, that is how you get the Patreon to step it course. And if there are any issues or you have any issues. we can go into it further. 18:27:23 Next week, but for now, I just want to move on. And let me post this in. 18:27:34 I will post this online so let me stop this chain. 18:27:44 The version of hyphen you are installing is 3.8. 18:27:51 You always want to install the newest version of Python, because a lot of times the older versions may not be compatible with, especially new window software's are Windows updates. 18:28:08 Um, 18:28:08 it's like Windows Updates you want to constantly update it. Same thing with programming languages, because a lot of the future will no longer be taught in the older versions. 18:28:23 And so, unless a program or someone's explicitly tells you it has to be in a version of Python. 18:28:33 Always make sure you use the newest are most up to date version. 18:28:41 Any questions. 18:28:49 Okay. 18:28:54 Back on all of this on my page doesn't work. 18:28:58 If you already have what the bedroom for my for my for my winter. If I have it on my computer, make it work. 18:29:09 Did you have patron. Yeah. 18:29:12 Okay, so if you already have pi charm Empire Empire charm. edu right here. 18:29:28 You just install the plugin. Install the Edu tools plugin. Okay. Okay. 18:29:30 And once you do that, 18:29:39 let's let me go to the course. 18:29:54 So, 18:29:58 here is my pie charm. 18:30:04 Mine's going to look a little bit different because it is a professional version. 18:30:08 But if you already have installed, you just go to learn, or teach and teach. 18:30:22 Browse courses, go to step. 18:30:28 And then we'll just go to the class mine I already have courses. 18:30:34 So you can go down to my courses. 18:30:38 And we are CME network programming in Python one. 18:30:44 So you just click on that and click Open. 18:30:54 Yeah, no problem. And if you run into some trouble, please feel free to reach out to me on slack. I'm there I will try to answer. 18:31:06 Tomorrow I am out of the office, so I probably won't answer you tomorrow, but I will get to you Friday. 18:31:14 And then also if we do need more time, we can work on this next week. I also have office office hours, right before class from five to six, or maybe if, if we have a few people that are having issues with the Patreon. 18:31:34 Maybe we could meet in my office hours, and one of you guys can share your screen, or we can walk through it together. 18:31:44 Just so it might help answer questions for any other students, and what they may have. 18:31:53 Justin. Yeah. Could you show how you select your course again. 18:31:59 Yeah, um, or are you Do you already have high term up really quick. Yeah I'm falling long as you go. 18:32:08 Do you mind if I share your screen really quick so we can work through it because I'm sure other students might have the same question. Do you mind if we do that, yeah me set it up. 18:32:20 Okay, it's good. 18:32:24 Okay, So, I'm going to stop sharing my screen. 18:32:30 So this is yours. Okay. 18:32:34 So click on my courses, 18:32:44 And then hit. 18:32:46 Okay, it looks like you don't have it go to all court or go to step back again. 18:32:52 Go to open step course by link. 18:32:59 And did you already sign up for the course. 18:33:03 Yeah, I have my step big setup. 18:33:06 Okay, and you added the course. 18:33:09 Okay. 18:33:11 So let me, let me actually post this 18:33:20 in the chat 18:33:30 is. 18:33:37 OK, I just posted in the chat so copy that link posted in the chat. 18:33:59 And then go down to the bottom. 18:34:02 The cnn network programming in Python. 18:34:05 So he just hit start 18:34:09 and then there's your class, there's your. Now these lessons are for later on. 18:34:15 Love you want to see if you can tackle one, go ahead. Um, I probably will answer too in depth of questions. 18:34:26 Yet, because the class is because that's later on in the course. This is to see if you want to test yourself. If you know Python, and that kind of thing. 18:34:37 That makes sense. 18:34:40 Yeah, thank you. Uh huh. Thank you for sharing. 18:34:47 All right. Are there any other questions, so we walk through and I showed you from other screen. 18:34:57 How to get the, add the course. 18:35:07 So, now, what we are going to do is we are going to go through rune stone. 18:35:18 So, everybody is enrolled in rune stone. Now, I did, if unless I sent you. I've already talked to some students, and use that login I gave you, everybody else, your login. 18:35:41 His first initial of your first name, and then your last name. So, Let me 18:35:51 share my screen. 18:35:54 So, 18:36:00 actually I'm going to stop sharing really quick I got it set up 18:36:09 to make sure everything was good to share. 18:36:16 Okay. 18:36:18 So you're going to click on the reading under week one, 18:36:27 and then it will you click on it again and it'll open up a new browser. 18:36:37 So in my case I already had a me logged in. 18:36:41 But what you do is you click on this little person up here. 18:36:46 And then you click Login. 18:36:49 And it's going to be the first letter of your first name 18:36:55 and then your last name, and then the password for each, each person. 18:37:01 Please change it 18:37:04 is student, one. 18:37:11 And then once you've logged in. I'm going to, I have a test user. 18:37:24 These are what the reading so look like. 18:37:30 So, we are under week one, and we're going to do chapter one. 18:37:36 So you would click on here and just go through the readings. And then once you're done, click mark as completed. 18:37:47 And then these arrows are how you navigate does have some problems that you can attend as many times as you need to. 18:38:01 And do the check me the compare me. The compare me, you don't need to do. 18:38:07 I'm just to check me. 18:38:10 And what this does is this allows for me to see how long you've gotten. 18:38:19 And then once you go here. 18:38:22 Once you're done with all the readings, go to your assignments. 18:38:27 Then go to week one, 18:38:32 Then you can hit score me. 18:38:34 And that will let me know how many points you gotten it and that you've done the reading. That's how you get this, the grain for the week one. So if we go here. 18:38:52 The week one is 14 points. 18:38:56 That's this. 18:38:59 So let's go through a little bit of the reading. 18:39:08 So computer scientists. 18:39:13 That's what this book is going to teach you this way of thinking combined some of the best features of mathematics engineering and natural science. 18:39:23 So, like math computer scientists use formal languages to denote ideas, specifically computations. 18:39:33 Like engineers, you're going to be designing something it may not be a big fiscal bridge or anything like that, but you are going to design a program. 18:39:42 And like engineers, you got to make sure that that program is going to work. 18:39:48 And then like scientists, you deserve. Observe the behavior of complex systems or hypothesis and test predictions. 18:39:59 That is how we're computer scientists are like all these things combined. 18:40:16 And the single most important skill is problem solving. 18:40:10 Problem Solving means ability to formulate problems, think creative creatively about solutions and express a solution clearly and accurately. 18:40:21 So, when you are going to be in the real world. 18:40:29 You are going to be doing all these kinds of tests and designing, you're gonna have to know how to, how to come up with complex answers. 18:40:45 For example, I'm even today at my job right now. 18:40:53 The general manager comes up and says, Is there a way to automate these tasks. 18:40:59 And there were specific like different trucking tasks. 18:41:04 I may not. I, it took me a while to figure it out. 18:41:07 but I had to get really really creative to find a way to automate these. 18:41:14 And then after I figured out how to automate them had a test them. 18:41:19 So, computer scientists or hard times had to think outside the box to come up with solutions. 18:41:28 Does anybody have any questions so far. 18:41:41 One question 18:41:47 my language doesn't bother me when I get to the brothers do I have to just go a little different. I have to define them. 18:41:58 Okay, um, Are you talking about rune stone. Yeah. 18:42:06 So, you didn't have 18:42:17 to do first name, last name, you know, and then apply that course. 18:42:25 Of course. It should say that, um, 18:42:30 Because 18:42:36 here can you share your screen really quick so I can work for you, or through it with you. 18:43:15 Yeah, just share your screen. 18:43:18 So I can, cuz. 18:43:23 Good. 18:43:27 Okay, you don't don't want to share your screen. No. 18:43:32 Okay, it should be, it should say share screen. 18:43:38 If you clicked on zoom. 18:43:40 Yeah, click on the zoom. 18:43:44 Okay. 18:43:56 Yeah, it's starting to load. Okay. 18:43:59 Okay. 18:44:06 Yeah. 18:44:06 Like on, click on the little guy up to the right again, just really quick. I just want to see what happens. Okay, you're already in it. 18:44:20 I'm. 18:44:19 Go to assignments. 18:44:29 Okay, that's weird. I'm. 18:44:33 Go to back to bogus course, I guess. 18:44:42 Yeah, click on that and then go to change course 18:44:49 up structures page. 18:44:57 So, if you enroll in a course. 18:45:09 This. 18:45:06 So, if you need to enroll in the course. 18:45:14 The course name, 18:45:23 have the same problem of like me. 18:45:25 Just have to log out on the sideline. 18:45:35 Again, my daddy login. 18:45:35 Login. 18:45:41 Yeah log out Try it. Try logging out again. So click that and go to. 18:45:46 Yeah, that's it you don't need to do I yeah so try that. 18:45:55 And then your password is student one. 18:46:00 No capital now. 18:46:21 Hey. 18:46:21 There you go. 18:46:23 Thank you for. Thank you for your help. 18:46:31 Okay. 18:46:33 So now you can stop sharing a few. Yeah. 18:46:41 Okay. 18:46:41 All right. 18:46:43 That's good. Thank you everyone for 18:46:48 helping share and get through this. That is what a computer science is all about is, you know, working together as well, because most likely with the team. 18:47:00 A question I'm in the same boat. 18:47:11 But it's given me a different quarter, it looks like so I'm using. I'm on pie charm. 18:47:11 And I'm seeing something different. 18:47:15 Learn about projects and start a new one or 18:47:20 Patreon. 18:47:24 Yeah. 18:47:27 patrons, saying, I don't know, I guess, what am I searching for anti charm or, 18:47:34 I'm like, it's kind of hard to see. 18:47:38 Can you share your screen really quick. and we can work through it. Sure. 18:47:57 So hit start 18:48:02 start a new course. Yep, right there. 18:48:07 And then go to step. 18:48:13 And then log into step. At the top, to go. Yep. So, you gotta look yeah just hit log into stepping. 18:48:23 It's in the top of the pie charm. 18:48:32 Once you're logged in. See that little link at the bottom that says opening stepping course by link. 18:48:43 That's where you copy and paste the link that I posted in the chat in zoom. 18:48:52 With these with what we want a pie chart. 18:48:57 Is it doesn't like to right click and paste, its control C Control V likes likes the keyboard functions. 18:49:06 Okay. 18:49:09 So I had to find that in chat and I don't see right now chat because I'm sharing my screen. 18:49:16 Okay, here if you stop, you can stop sharing your screen now. And then, I'm okay. Okay. 18:49:36 Here, I think I can you stop Yeah, because I can't figure out how to stop it. 18:49:40 There we go. 18:50:00 Okay, so I put with you I copied it from chat and then put it Control V and then control C. 18:50:07 And now, then I see a list should be at the very bottom. 18:50:12 And it says CNE 330. 18:50:19 Yeah, 30. Okay, hit start it should be in the upper right. 18:50:32 Okay. Okay. 18:50:37 And then that should be at first epic. Now, again, this is not going to be until week six that we start using it unless you feel comfortable with Python, but for now we're just going to be working on rune stone. 18:50:53 Okay, I used to play with 18:51:00 the algorithm and the 18:51:06 unbuttoned a un bunt templates before. 18:51:12 Oh used to with Linux Ubuntu. 18:51:16 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 18:51:18 Okay. 18:51:20 And with the Viper. 18:51:22 Okay. 18:51:24 So you can try if you want, um, again, it's not going to be great until Week Six, but you're more than welcome to. 18:51:40 Oh, right. 18:51:43 Hyper V sorry that was the interpreter Hyper V. 18:51:46 Okay. Hyper V. Yeah. 18:51:53 Yeah. 18:51:51 I do quite a bit. 18:51:53 With Hyper V and stuff like that as well machine and everything was playing with that, that kind of stuff on my computer before trying to learn how to do it and, and work with it and then that. 18:52:06 But yeah, I couldn't get in. So, so I learned something new. 18:52:10 Yep. 18:52:11 All right, so 18:52:16 their share my screen again. 18:52:22 And so, under, you're going to do your week one readings. 18:52:31 And then, we're actually going to be working on this lab one today class. 18:52:39 And I will start, everyone off with it, but your homework 18:52:48 is, along with the readings. 18:52:53 Is this up sorry it says CNA 336, it should say CNE 330. They recently changed the course name, but it doesn't change what's in here. 18:53:06 So, as it says it is rare that someone writes a script, without using the use of prior code examples cookbooks or boilerplate codes. 18:53:23 More often than not, a programmer starts with some sample code. 18:53:28 I can solve a broad class of problems. 18:53:32 They then use developer documentation, community support and other reference material to adjusters the sample code towards their specific problem. 18:53:45 While helpful, it is not always necessary that a script or understands the exact inner structure of the libraries or modules in use, so long as the desired output is generated from the input black boxes are systems where it is not necessary necessary 18:54:03 to understand its internal structure in order to use it, and a scripture can view the system in terms of inputs and outputs. So in today's lab, we will be exploring how to function what black boxes in Python by skipping ahead a few chapters and working 18:54:21 with the turtle module. 18:54:22 So we're going to read chapters, or one and four three of how to think like computer scientist, and you may skip the video if you wish. 18:54:33 So let's go back really quick. 18:54:42 So, 18:54:46 one through three. 18:54:48 So you're going to do this one. 18:54:54 And then you're going to do 18:55:00 that one. So, the links are in Canvas. 18:55:04 And then you're going to do the astronomy animation lab, which is right here. 18:55:12 And I'm not logged in right now so let me log in real quick. 18:55:33 For some reason it's not like my 18:55:40 password. 18:55:58 Sorry about this. 18:56:27 because I have a lot of different browsers open. 18:56:28 So, let me close out of everything. 18:56:53 Okay, so what I want you guys to start doing is kind of go through the reading individually and start on this lab. 18:57:12 Because this is the introduction to Python. 18:57:15 So let me get everything. 18:57:21 And if you have any questions, please feel free to ask, because we are all kind of in the same boat, where we might have questions for different things. 18:57:33 and we can work through as a class. 18:57:41 Is everybody okay with starting the reading. 18:57:49 Okay. 18:57:51 I'm good. 18:57:54 Yeah, cuz it's, it's an introduction to computer scientists and so what I want us to do is kind of get familiar with doing our own kind of thing with the reading and the website. 18:58:08 So that way, we're all kind of on the same page. And if you have any questions with the reading or like we've had some issues with logging in. 18:58:23 There we can kind of work through them together, and that way at the end of the class today, everybody should be able to get into the reading. 18:58:32 That's some good day everyone. 18:58:43 Yep. 18:58:43 Okay. 19:00:40 Everything in section one is the reading. But, um, so you can do the reading, and then lab one is also something that you will need to do as well. Okay, and you want us to do all that right now so the reading between 1.1 to one point 15. 19:01:00 It doesn't have to be all of it right now. I just want you guys to start playing around 19:01:06 with rune stone. 19:01:11 I see, okay, and I'm the everything that I'm assigning the reading and the lab, all the homework is due next Thursday. So you got over a whole week to do it. 19:01:24 What I wanted to do is make sure everybody can log in. I see start doing it. And actually, I'm going to start doing. 19:01:35 Thank you. 19:01:42 Yeah. So, and in these readings are your and my PowerPoint is where all of the answers for the quiz will be there is a quiz. 19:02:01 You have up to three attempts to do the quiz. They are not times. 19:02:07 And you can take them up to three times. 19:02:44 Snow 19:02:49 is me any questions about what Python is or Has anyone heard of Python before. 19:02:58 Yes. 19:03:01 Okay. 19:03:04 So, Python, is a programming language. 19:03:11 Yeah, I haven't heard of Python either. This is Robert. 19:03:15 Okay. 19:03:17 So, Python is a coding program language is actually a kind of kind of fun history. 19:03:35 The reason why it's called Python, I read was because the Monty Python and the Holy Grail. They needed to find a person who wrote it originally wanted to find a catchy name. 19:03:43 And he was watching Monty Python and thought Python sound 19:03:50 is a high end language. 19:03:54 And it is. 19:03:56 What I like about it is it's very flexible, and it can be used for lots and lots of different things. Um, let's see here. 19:04:10 Like what I'm going to share my screen actually. 19:04:21 So this is Python, you can say, print 19:04:28 hello 19:04:30 world this is one of the first ones that you could do. 19:04:35 Save and run it prints hello world, down here. 19:04:40 Um, If you want to see a more advanced. 19:04:48 Let's see here. 19:05:05 I'm trying to find something that can show ya. 19:05:47 So, what I'm. This is pretty Vance stuff but I just wanted to show 19:06:01 what it can do. 19:06:03 Let's see. 19:06:09 A question for you, Justin. 19:06:12 This like a website or what is this you're on. 19:06:21 This is, if you go into rune stone. And you see this little. 19:06:24 this little pen. 19:06:27 And so you click on that. 19:06:29 That's your interactive. This is where you can practice coats. 19:06:39 I do see that okay all right. 19:06:41 Yeah, so there's a lot of. 19:06:44 I'm trying to find. 19:06:49 So let's see here. 19:07:10 So, if you look over here. This is what pie chart looks like and this is what Python code can look like. 19:07:19 So, 19:07:23 it has a lot of different things. 19:07:26 And this is called what flask is. And if I run it. 19:07:34 Look. Well, I go into my database, it looks like it wasn't created. 19:07:45 I'm just trying to look, 19:07:50 See. 19:07:53 So, meaning, I have to like, create recreate what you just did. 19:07:57 No, I'm just showing you asked me what Python can do. 19:08:01 And 19:08:04 I just wanted to show you. 19:08:09 So this is a module in Python. You guys are actually probably be learning this and winter of next year. 19:08:18 But I just want to show you an example of how Python can work. 19:08:23 So, it can connect to databases. 19:08:27 This is called the MySQL connector. 19:08:31 It can create a website using flask is what it's called. Have you heard of my sequel before. 19:08:46 No. 19:08:43 So my sequel is primarily what databases used sequel is called Structured Query Language is a class Actually, I will be teaching in the fall, and what it allows you to do is use the sequel language, but if we go here. 19:09:09 This Select star from states where state equals. And this means the value of whatever is entered. 19:09:25 This is sequel, the Select star from. 19:09:29 And so that is the sequel language, you don't have to know any of this right now. I just wanted to show you kind of broadly, that Python can be used for a lot a lot of different things. 19:09:43 It can also read different things called AP eyes, and other things. 19:09:52 And API is primarily what we're starting to see. So, if you have your cell phone, and it reads, The weather is getting that data, most likely from an API. 19:11:08 So, Is there any other questions, um, yeah. so is this like Linux. 19:11:16 Or like is it like a server. I mean, 19:11:21 this actually you can, we're going to actually not be using this course. But what this has is called Wham 19:11:40 And, here let me open it up. 19:11:48 So this is what wham, looks like after you install and configure it 19:11:55 as different things. 19:12:05 And 19:12:10 so, what the reason why this is important is because this is where my databases are stored. 19:12:21 So I can see here that this is the states. 19:12:29 And that's most likely where everything is stored. 19:12:36 So if I go. 19:12:40 Click on the local host again. 19:12:46 For some reason came back with an air, I probably changed at some point in time. 19:12:56 So, I'll get back to that later. 19:13:01 Let me see if I can find it. 19:13:58 So, this is kinda I'm kind of just playing around with it. 19:14:04 It was the code from last quarter 19:14:15 spelt something wrong. 19:15:07 Did you have any other questions. 19:15:37 See, here's where it happens or updated successfully. 19:17:00 like with any coding. Yeah, make sure spellings right. 19:17:08 See, I had an extra somewhere. 19:17:14 But as you can see, I have a web interface with a search, you click Submit. 19:17:27 and it connects to the database. 19:17:27 And this is all 19:17:30 part of the code. 19:17:33 When you hit the submit button. 19:17:37 It searches for where the state equals what you entered. So I entered Washington. 19:17:45 And then it pulled up Washington. 19:17:52 So is there a gooey with this or is it all command line base, 19:18:00 what I'm doing right now. 19:18:02 Yeah, like when you run that code. Is there something that pops up afterward or is it all just in the lower section coming as code. 19:18:13 If you again this is not anything you guys need to do, but it's a web based. See, I see, okay, sorry I missed that. 19:18:23 Oh, it's all good. 19:18:25 Um, I just wanted to show like what the different things you can do with Python are because someone asked. And so there's pretty much how much time you want to put into it. 19:18:37 Um, but like with anything. You guys start with the basics, and that is why we're going through room stone. 19:18:48 Because gotta understand the basics, before you can get to the more advanced stuff. 19:19:07 Good questions, any other questions. 19:19:58 And I have one question. 19:19:59 Okay. 19:20:08 So you 19:20:15 do you need to 19:20:19 say I get I'm having a hard time here now. Oh, the proton. 19:20:28 edu. 19:20:31 Yeah, nice. 19:20:31 Yep. 19:20:33 I'm trying to give me. 19:20:38 Okay, I'm gonna stop sharing, can you share your screen, really quick, just so. 19:20:47 Oh. 19:21:02 a link below. 19:21:07 Oh, go to click on Go down to your pie chart really quick. 19:21:13 You know, yeah. Open your pie chart right now. 19:21:18 You haven't opened down below on your taskbar. 19:21:23 Yep. Yep, my old one. 19:21:27 Yeah, click on file. 19:21:31 Click on 19:21:36 Settings. 19:21:42 I think this might be a better way for you. 19:21:46 Click on plugins 19:21:56 type 19:22:00 term. edu at the top. 19:22:04 See where the law magnifying glasses. It says type to see options at the top. 19:22:15 There you go, the little bar a little search bar, you know, the one to the right. 19:22:20 Yep, type in right there. 19:22:24 Type in pie chart 19:22:32 space. 19:22:35 edu. 19:22:42 Yep. Click Install 19:22:55 No close out of this, 19:23:02 and then click on file. 19:23:09 You might have to reboot it reopen closed pie chart and reopen it. 19:23:14 Okay. 19:23:48 Then click file. 19:23:58 Let's see here. I'm trying to find where mines. 19:24:13 and click Settings. 19:24:22 Click installed. 19:24:28 No, installed at the top right next to marketplace 19:24:39 and keep going up, it's right, it's at the top bar right next to plugins. 19:24:46 Oh, yep. 19:24:52 Look go scroll down. 19:25:04 I'm looking for the pie charm Edu plugin. I don't know what. 19:25:13 Scroll up. 19:25:27 You can 19:25:28 go to marketplace again 19:25:33 and type it in again. 19:25:35 I turned 19:25:41 the edu. 19:25:43 Yeah. 19:25:44 Install again. 19:26:00 Then hit ok. 19:26:10 hit Apply now. 19:26:13 I'm wondering if it's because it was lagging a little bit. 19:26:16 Go file. 19:26:21 See the winning trade they're 19:26:25 learning teach right underneath open 19:26:31 didn't get you. 19:26:38 Yep. Yeah, browse courses. 19:26:47 Then go to Step. 19:26:57 And then log into step. 19:27:02 It's at the top to 19:27:06 the left, 19:27:09 to the right. 19:27:12 To start a course log into stepping keep close, go up, go straight up. 19:27:18 Yep. 19:27:24 Ok. 19:27:34 Now go back to your Patreon. 19:27:39 And did you already enrolled in the course. 19:28:06 See here and then it code to open step at course by link. 19:28:16 Good. 19:28:21 Yep. 19:28:24 And in the chat, I posted that link. 19:28:40 Headed coffee. 19:28:45 Yeah, then you use Control V the pace. 19:29:31 might not come. 19:29:34 I can, I can hear 19:29:42 you. It still has the years haven't entered the step of course yet. So you got a copy that link, and then want to 19:30:05 move 19:30:04 on now. I started hearing. So, thank you. 19:30:16 Hmm. 19:30:16 And I notice that some haven't signed up for the class. 19:30:23 Yeah. 19:30:32 Um, so, 19:30:32 what I posted. 19:30:34 I posted this in the zoom chat. If you click on it. 19:30:42 This will bring you to join the class that I made you make I'll make sure you join the class. This is how I would grade your different assignments 19:31:03 the zoom chat, I posted the zoom chat. 19:31:07 Um, it's from stepping stepping I created my own class. 19:31:48 So I have a question. 19:31:50 Is there are a lot of websites within that we have to follow like you have pie charm and then you have arch, Python, and pie charts are the only two. 19:32:07 Only two websites are going to follow. 19:32:11 The reason why that that's why this first class. 19:32:16 So pi charm connects to step in and then rune stones kind of like there's a lot of different connections to make it work. But then after that then you're set up for the quarter. 19:32:39 Okay. 19:32:41 I know it can be a lot. So, well, right. 19:33:04 So, again, depict as well, so epic is. So the way it works. So you got pie charm is right here. 19:32:56 Step is right here. 19:32:59 The two are connected. 19:33:06 And so, I make, we make the problems in pie chart which posts a step back and they kind of work as one unit. 19:33:17 So after you enroll in epic, then all you would be working from is Python. 19:33:33 And then what's the deal with rune stone rune stone is the first part of the. 19:33:39 Okay, go ahead. 19:33:42 Started with the rune stone is the first part of the course. 19:33:45 And it is so you can get an introduction to Python. Because Python is more advanced after you learn the basics of Python. 19:34:08 Okay. 19:34:10 And that's everything that right. 19:34:13 Yeah, hi charm in rune stone are the two of the reading. There is one final project in which you decide what you want to do what Python. 19:34:33 It can be a simple project, create a small calculator. It could be setting up Python to send an email for you. 19:34:53 Ok. 19:34:58 I have a question. Okay, 19:35:09 new material funded. The project you would Google yourself, because the point of the project is to get you familiar with looking at outside code, and adapting it to your own needs, I can help you with the code, but usually you just take like a beginner 19:35:28 Python project and make it work on your machine. 19:35:35 It's, it's actually meant to make you guys want to do something that you guys think Python can do. 19:35:45 Um, it can be various different things. I'm not picky about what you do. 19:35:52 And 19:35:55 even if the code doesn't work. By the end of the quarter. 19:36:00 As long as he show that you've tried it, and then we. 19:36:06 If you can't make it work will do one on one maybe meetings. 19:36:12 Well, I want to see is you guys trying something and even if it doesn't work, you're still at least get partial credit and stuff like that. And 19:36:22 I want it to be less about grades and more about trying all the code. And even if you fail it. 19:36:35 It's still okay, if that makes sense. 19:36:40 Like, even 19:36:43 when I make mistakes. I still make mistakes and I learned from my mistakes. And so I want you guys to do is try for something. 19:36:54 And then if you guys make a mistake. It's okay. Everybody makes mistakes. I want it to be a place to where you can learn and grow, not just some mistakes. 19:37:06 Not just trying to get the right answer, but trying to apply it and, like, be more creative. 19:38:51 with, with the septic or with this epic room Sona it's all by itself. 19:39:04 Okay so right now where you became a time and jumping all around for me and so I'm kind of confused so. 19:39:12 So where you should be now is, If you go to. 19:39:21 Let me share my screen. 19:39:30 So, the reason why I'm jumping around is just so we can get everything in all the programs installed in your guys's computers, but the where you should be now is under canvas. 19:39:46 There is think like a computer scientist. 19:39:53 And if you click on that and click Load. 19:40:00 Well, it'll bring you to the course. 19:40:05 For some reason, bring me there. 19:40:08 There we go. So it brought me here. 19:40:15 I gotta log out and log back in. 19:40:27 And so here is all the readings that you guys need to do for week one, and just chapter one. 19:40:36 And then it's also. 19:40:42 This lab. 19:40:50 And it's about the Hello little turtles. 19:40:54 And if you click on the video. 19:41:00 I believe it has closed captions as well. 19:41:08 But you didn't have to register for this to read it right. 19:41:13 You should have. you should have had to log in 19:41:18 and automatically logged me and it leaves. 19:41:21 Are you, uh, your, your login right because if you didn't log in and I can't track your points. No, I didn't. 19:41:33 When I click on it, it is. 19:41:36 If you click on the little person is it say log out 19:41:47 says not logged in so I have to register. 19:41:50 If you click 19:41:57 Log In. 19:41:59 And then it should just be the first letter your first name than your last name. 19:42:06 And then your password, which is student one unless he changed it. 19:42:24 Cool. 19:42:26 Sorry about that. Um, it's, it's like any if you didn't, you're not logged in, I can't tell where you've gone, if that makes sense. Yeah. 19:42:40 Sorry about that. 19:42:42 Okay, I think I was kinda lost too. So that's where that program that was written was on to the program that you're writing with the washing when you entered Washington was 19:43:00 a separate example because someone asked iPhone can do. 19:43:07 The room stone is its own thing and it has the diff, there's nothing really written in rune stone itself. 19:43:16 Once we get to chapter two. It has exercises, but inside of rune stone. 19:43:27 That is where 19:43:31 like your different questions and stuff like that yeah I was doing those last night but I didn't. 19:43:37 I wasn't logged in so I probably have to redo. 19:43:40 Sorry about that. It's fine. 19:43:43 It's I mean at least you know the answers now Right, right. 19:43:48 Practice makes perfect. 19:43:50 And believe it or not, I wrote the entire thing without being logged in once, so I've share your pain, I've done that before. And then you lose all your work and you have to redo it. 19:44:03 So that's kind of part of computer programming to, you get really used to saving often. 19:44:22 Yeah, I 19:44:27 haven't done any kind of 19:44:32 computer programming before computer programming before. 19:44:38 Yeah, it's, it's fun. 19:44:40 It's fun watching a code work. 19:44:45 I mean it's like anything else once you see what you've built work, and see the end result, it's kind of cool. 19:44:59 Hey, Justin. 19:45:00 Uh huh. What's the week one is some on the module week one 19:45:07 week one assignment so if your canvas. 19:45:10 Yeah, if you're in. 19:45:22 I'm room stone. 19:45:18 You go to assignments. So you click here and it's table contents assignments week one, it's actually just all the readings. Okay. 19:45:32 It's basically so you get graded for doing the reading. 19:45:37 I want you know the readings take a while. I want you guys to get some sort of points for the readings. 19:45:45 Thank you. 19:45:57 Hmm. 19:45:58 Hey, Justin. 19:45:59 All right. I can install the tools, and my, my job. 19:46:07 Okay, um, let me stop sharing my screen, and can you share yours really quick and we'll walk through it. 19:46:14 Okay. 19:46:23 This course used to be taught in side Alam. 19:46:34 So it was 19:46:30 a little bit easier. Okay. 19:46:34 I'm so sorry app I term edu. So go to my courses down on bottom left, 19:46:43 and go to start new course. 19:46:48 And then go to Step. 19:46:51 Okay. 19:46:55 And then you log into step. 19:47:00 Okay. 19:47:10 Authorize. 19:47:28 you go to open step of course by link. 19:47:32 Down at the bottom. 19:47:35 Oh, yeah. 19:47:45 Okay. 19:47:48 And if you go here I'll close out of this really good, but the first thing I want you to do first, let's see. 19:48:04 Um, I'll stop the sharing. 19:48:08 and then see that last link. 19:48:14 Yeah. 19:48:16 Um, you click on that first, so you can join my class. 19:48:23 Click, click on the link. 19:48:25 Yeah. 19:48:27 Okay. 19:48:42 I cannot open this link, because of this one. Justin. Yeah. 19:48:50 Yeah. So, 19:48:54 I'm just trying to figure out what we're doing today, you know on the step back and, you know, we're just, I know you're showing us how to actually access. 19:49:04 What we need to do for the readings, and the actual modules. 19:49:11 Uh huh. 19:49:14 So is that all, we're really going to be doing, do we need to stay on here and continue or can I leave and do like the real, like, you can leave and do the readings for rune stone. 19:49:28 And that lab one on canvas, which is chapter four, from rune stone, there's links on there for where you got to go to. And then also, there is a PDF of some things you have to answer. 19:49:50 So, what you're doing is the reading this quiz, which is based off the reading, and my PowerPoint today. 19:50:03 And then this lab. 19:50:05 So this lab is part of this homework. So, when you do this lab. There's actually this sheet 19:50:17 with it. 19:50:21 Where you answer some questions. 19:50:33 All right. 19:50:34 Yeah, this is the this is the most confusing week because I wanted to spend the time to get everything set up on your computer. So it's not confusing and later weeks, if that makes sense. 19:50:53 The lab will be fine. Like, how to write it in chapter one. 19:51:01 So the lab when you click it. 19:51:08 So like, it says what this is about, is you don't need to understand everything so chapter one, we'll go into it a little bit. 19:51:23 And I'm not going to be super critical on like spelling stuff like that. But basically, what, or I want you basically to try it. But what's asking, is when you click Run. 19:51:39 What happens. 19:51:41 Oh ok ok so we're not necessarily writing the code or you can get your, your will change something's, a little bit like it will do like refresh the page and go to line number 198. 19:51:58 So I'm just gonna tell us like yeah tell you what works basically doing is it showing you how to read us program, and showing that you necessarily don't need to understand it, and even though it might look intimidating at first is, it's pretty logical 19:52:21 and, like, you can go to different spots. Like, If it says, I think it shows. 19:52:34 So go to page, or go to line 188, so I says refresh. 19:52:48 go 19:52:47 198. 19:52:50 And instead of 10,000, you do 19:52:58 200. 19:53:02 And what happens. 19:53:06 It looks like it's a lot slower, 19:53:12 or to see how it changes some things. Yeah, that's cool. 19:53:18 Okay, so it's kind of just getting you to what Python can look like. And the best way. One of the best ways to do that is actually with this turtle. 19:53:33 Solar System program, because then you can see the planets going around the solar system. 19:53:38 Yeah. 19:53:41 Yeah. and, again, just write your best answer. I'm looking for, you know, things like that. And if you don't know. 19:53:55 Um, maybe, if a lot of students don't know it maybe I will go over it next class or something like that. 19:54:04 Cool. Thank you. 19:54:06 Uh huh. 19:54:13 Is there any. 19:54:22 Anybody need help with getting that installed. Now again step is not until later. 19:54:24 What I'm doing now is I'm just making sure that everything is installed on your computer. So that way there's minimal issues going forward. Yeah, I have a question. 19:54:36 Okay, So I did the static and everything and I'm in your class, but I think I used my personal email and I created my account. 19:54:46 Is that going to be a problem. 19:54:47 Nope. 19:54:48 Alright, cool. Yeah, I can see the CNE 330 so should be good then. Yeah. 19:54:56 I think you could use whatever email address you want. 19:55:00 I mean I've got like 12 between my other job in here. And so sometimes it gets confusing righteous. 19:55:26 Okay, so we got about 35 minutes left. 19:55:30 Is there any other questions. 19:55:35 No questions here. 19:55:38 Awesome. 19:57:02 Yeah. 19:57:15 I own the same one because we do kind of like the class. Okay, yeah, cool like graduate because I thought our senior name in there. So yeah, that's amazing time. I have, um, I do have a job during the day. So if I do not get to you right away. 19:57:27 That's why I could be in meetings, and I, I just can't access my phone. I do try to answer as soon as I can. 19:57:38 And use that, if you're having issues, do not hesitate to message me to see if you want to do like a one on one meeting. I do do one on ones even on the weekends, as long as I'm available. 19:57:55 Um, I do know, and then I'll do Mondays, after 330, and stuff like that. 19:58:02 And then any pretty much any weekday after 330. 19:58:26 Yeah, thank you. 19:58:34 Uh huh.