# This program returns the count of fizzbuzz in a range # Use this program to return a number and assign it fizz, buzz or fizzbuzz # Numbers divisible by 4 is fizz # Numbers divisible by 5 is buzz # Numbers divisible by 4 and 5 is fizzbuzz def FizzBuzz(starting, ending): buzz_count=0 #Numbers divisible by 5 fizz_count = 0 # Numbers divisible by 4 fizzbuzz_count = 0 # Numbers divisible by 5 and 4 for num in range (starting, ending): if starting != 0: if num % 4 == 0 and num % 5 == 0: fizzbuzz_count = fizzbuzz_count + 1 elif num % 4 == 0: fizz_count = fizz_count + 1 elif num % 5 == 0: buzz_count = buzz_count + 1 return [fizz_count, buzz_count, fizzbuzz_count] FizzBuzz(1,101)