Early Childhood Certificate of Completion

Program Details Page Early Childhood Certificate of Completion

Here is a general overview of what your classes will look like following each quarter. This information may change. Please contact your advisor for more information regarding the courses. To see which materials are needed for your courses, click this bookstore link (Links to an external site.) and enter the course information.

General Overview

When can I start? Fall (September), Winter (January), Spring (April), or Summer (July)

length of the program icon How long is the program?

  • 5 full-time quarters (14 to 15 months) with 65 total credits, or
  • 8 part-time quarters (22 to 24 months) with 65 total credits

When do classes meet? Mostly online. Practicum courses require students to complete a certain number of hours in childcare setting.

The Early Childhood Education (ECE) program offers a series of stackable certificates to meet Washington State requirements to work in a home daycare or child care center.

The Certificate of Completion is the fourth in the sequence. It is recommended for people who want to work as an owner or director of a childcare center or home daycare and who are planning to earn their applied associate degree. You take additional classes in technology, and diverse learners, and you complete almost 200 more practicum hours.

5 steps for early childhood: initial, short, state, certificate of completion, and associate degree

What does a childcare center director do?

What is the average salary?

$58,180 annually (Links to an external site.) in the Seattle-Bellevue-Tacoma area. Most childcare workers in King County earn at least $45,300.


Who can I contact with questions?

 (Links to an external site.)

Overall Materials Needed:

  1. Access to a functioning laptop or computer (you may use computers on the RTC campus)
  2. Working internet connection
  3. Office school supplies ($25)

You must pass all courses with a 2.0 GPA or higher to graduate.

Materials Warning

Some materials on this page are listed as TBD, which means that the materials have yet to be determined. Please consult your instructor on what textbooks or materials are required for the class.  If you rent a textbook, make sure you return it by the deadline. If you purchase a textbook, you can sell it back to the RTC bookstore -- but make sure that you won't need the book again for classes in the future!

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Quarter 1

 [Fall] Quarter 1 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,828
You study different ways to guide children and build positive relationships with their families. You also learn how to prepare healthy snacks, identify illnesses, and support families with information about nutrition and health.
It's time to apply for your Initial certificate! You complete your Initial Certificate this quarter.
Course ID
Course Name
COL 101 College Success NO 2
ECED& 105 Introduction to ECE NO 5
ECED& 107 Health, Safety, Nutrition NO 5
ECED& 120 Practicum-Nurturing Relationships NO 2

Quarter 2

[Winter] Quarter 2 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,848
You learn how the brain develops from birth through childhood. This knowledge will help you understand children's behavior, create appropriate activities, and help them grow. You also study different indoor and outdoor environments that help children learn safely.
It's time to apply for your Short-term certificate You complete your Short-term Certificate this quarter.
Course ID
Course Name
EDUC& 115
Child Development NO 5
EDUC& 130 Guiding Behavior NO 3
ECED& 170
Learning Environments NO 3
EDUC& 150 Child, Family, Community NO 3

Quarter 3

[Spring] Quarter 3 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,765

 Learn about anti-bias curriculum and create your own lessons to help young children develop their speaking and listening skills. Your Technology class focuses on basic computer skills like e-mail; you also make a newsletter and presentation that could be shared with teachers and parents.
Course ID
Course Name
ECED& 160 Curriculum Development NO 5
ECED& 180 Language and Literacy NO 3
ECC 120 Culture and Diversity NO 3
ECC 202 Technology for Teachers NO 2

Quarter 4

[Summer] Quarter 4 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,685

You complete your math requirement and your second practicum. You also take an English class. COMP 100 will meet the requirements for this certificate and the AAS degree, but you must complete ENGL& 101 for the AAS-T transfer degree. AMATH 190 is the prerequisite for the math AAS-T transfer degree.
Course ID
Course Name
COMP 100
or ENGL& 101
Applied Composition
or English Composition (required for the AAS-T degree)
varies by class 5
ECC 192 Practicum II NO 4
AMATH 175 or 190* Financial Math or Financial Algebra NO 5

Quarter 5

[Fall] Quarter 5 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,559

You will take a special education class, learn more about assessing children for their learning needs, and complete your third practicum. You also take an English class. COMP 100 will meet the requirements for this certificate and the AAS degree, but you must complete ENGL& 101 for the AAS-T transfer degree.
It's time to apply for your State Certificate and Certificate of Completion!
Course ID
Course Name
ECED& 190 Observation and Assessment NO 3
EDUC& 203 Exceptional Child NO 3
ECC 193 Practicum III NO 4

Grand Total Estimate for Early Childhood Certificate of Completion: $8,709

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