Professional Baking Certificate & AAS

Program Details Page Professional Baking Certificate & AAS

Welcome to the Program Page dedicated to the Professional Baking Certificate & AAS program! This page is designed to give an overview of what the quarter will look like based on the starting point in the year. Click on one of the desired tabs below to view the course schedule. This information may be subject to change at any time without notice, please contact your adviser for more information regarding the courses.

Did you take baking or pastry classes in high school? You may be eligible for dual credit if you earned a "C" in your classes and it has been less than two years since you graduated from high school. Learn more on our CTE Dual Credit website.

Bookstore Information

a picture of an open bookInformation regarding the materials can be found at the RTC bookstore Links to an external site.. Just fill in the course information and you will be set!

The bookstore has what you need in regard to materials so be sure to check it out! It is always better to be prepared than to wait last second to buy your materials!

General Overview

When can I start? Summer, (July), Fall (September), Winter (January), or Spring (April)

length of the program icon How long is the program?

  • 4 quarters (14 months) and 75 credits for the certificate
  • 5 quarters (17 months) and 90 credits for the AAS degree

When do classes meet? On-campus from 6:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday. 

Are summer classes required? Yes. You will need to enroll during the summer to complete your certificate or degree.

Study classical and contemporary baking in a well-equipped professional kitchen. You will learn to make bread, pies, pastries, cookies, doughnuts, and cakes. You also get to manage production in the campus bakery.

What does a professional baker do?

What is the average salary?

$37,480 annually Links to an external site. in the Seattle-Bellevue-Tacoma area. Most bakers earn at least $31,540.

Who can I contact with questions?

 (Links to an external site.)

Overall Materials Needed:

  1. Food handler's permit Links to an external site. (needed within the first two weeks of joining the program. Initial cost is $10)
  2. Comfortable clothing and closed-toed shoes
  3. Padlock for lockers
  4. Uniform (cost TBD)
  5. Digital thermometer, kitchen calculator, Professional Baking textbook bundle, books and exam voucher for CUL 105 ($510 for all)

Minimum grades needed

You must pass each class with a grade of 1.0 or higher. You also must have a cumulative or overall GPA of 2.0 or higher to complete your Professional Baking certificate or AAS degree.

Materials Warning

Some materials on this page are listed as TBD, which means that the materials have yet to be determined. Please consult your instructor on what textbooks or materials are required for the class. If you rent a textbook, make sure you return it by the deadline. If you purchase a textbook, you can sell it back to the RTC bookstore -- but make sure that you won't need the book again for classes in the future!

Mobile Browser Information

For optimal experience, please rotate your phone sideways to view the page in landscape mode.


Quarter 1

Fall Start

[Fall] Quarter 1 Course Information
Description: This quarter introduces you to the 12-step baking process, including kitchen safety, dough mixing, and eight basic cookie types.
Course ID
Course Name
COL 101 College Success NO 2
BAK 101 Ovens I YES 3
BAK 103 Doughnuts NO 3
BAK 104 Scaling  NO 3
BAK 107 Cookies NO 3
BAK 109 Pastries NO 3
BAK 117 Bakery Operations I NO 3
CUL 105 Foundations  YES 3

Quarter 2

[Winter] Quarter 2 Course Information
Description: You will continue to build your skills and learn key calculations to achieve consistency and successful results.
Course ID
Course Name
BAK 105 Mixing I NO 3
BAK 108 Pies and Tarts NO 3
BAK 110
Yeast Doughs I NO 3
BAK 112
Puff Pastries NO 3
BAK 113 Cakes I NO 3
BAK 115 Artisan Bread I NO 3
CMST 280 Intercultural Communication (recommended) or another communication or humanities class varies by class 5

Quarter 3

[Spring] Quarter 3 Course Information
Description: In this quarter, you learn about bread and pastry doughs; piping and filling; and retail bakery displays. You also practice opening, closing, and storeroom duties related to daily service.. 
Course ID
Course Name
BAK 102 Ovens II NO 3
BAK 106
Mixing II NO 3
BAK 111 Yeast Doughs II NO 3
BAK 114 Cakes II NO 3
BAK 116 Artisan Bread II NO 3
BAK 118 Bakery Operations II NO 3

Quarter 4

[Summer] Quarter 4 Course Information
Description: You apply your artistry to intermediate and advanced baking techniques (croissants, sourdough, fondant, special-order cakes). You get the opportunity to manage all production for the RTC bakery.
It's time to apply for your certificate!
Course ID
Course Name
BAK 119 Cakes III NO 3
BAK 120 French Pastries NO 3
BAK 160 Bakery Math NO 5

(CMST 280) 

If not taken in Quarter 2, take this course in Quarter 4

Intercultural Communication (recommended) or another communication or humanities class

varies by class 5

Estimated Total Cost for Your Certificate of Completion: $10,178 plus cost of uniform

You can continue with Quarter 5 to earn your AAS degree.

Quarter 5

[Fall] Quarter 5 Course Information
Description: In this quarter, you complete General Education credits for your Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree. You must take a social science class, but you get to choose the other two General Education classes. Recommendations are included below.
It's time to apply for graduation!
Course ID
Course Name
PSYC& 100 General Psychology (recommended) or another social science class  YES 5
BUS& 101 Introduction to Business (recommended) or another General Education elective NO 5
NUTR& 101 Human Nutrition (recommended) or another General Education elective NO 5

Estimated Total Cost for Your AAS Degree: $12,020 plus cost of uniform


Quarter 1

Winter Start

[Winter] Quarter 1 Course Information
Estimated tuition and fees: $3,014

Description: This quarter introduces you to the 12-step baking process, including kitchen safety, dough mixing, and eight basic cookie types.
Course ID
Course Name
COL 101 College Success NO 2
BAK 101 Ovens I YES 3
BAK 103 Doughnuts NO 3
BAK 104 Scaling  NO 3
BAK 107 Cookies NO 3
BAK 109 Pastries NO 3
BAK 117 Bakery Operations I NO 3
CUL 105 Foundations  YES 3

Quarter 2

[Spring] Quarter 2 Course Information
Estimated tuition and fees: $2,044

Description: You will continue to build your skills and learn key calculations to achieve consistency and successful results.
Course ID
Course Name
BAK 105 Mixing I NO 3
BAK 108 Pies and Tarts NO 3
BAK 110
Yeast Doughs I NO 3
BAK 112
Puff Pastries NO 3
BAK 113 Cakes I NO 3
BAK 115 Artisan Bread I NO 3

Quarter 3

[Summer] Quarter 3 Course Information
Description: In this quarter, you learn about bread and pastry doughs; piping and filling; and retail bakery displays. You also practice opening, closing, and storeroom duties related to daily service.. 
Course ID
Course Name
BAK 102 Ovens II NO 3
BAK 106
Mixing II NO 3
BAK 160 Bakery Math NO 5
CMST 280 Intercultural Communication (recommended) or another communication or humanities class varies by class 5

Quarter 4

[Fall] Quarter 4 Course Information
Description: You apply your artistry to intermediate and advanced baking techniques (croissants, sourdough, fondant, special-order cakes). You get the opportunity to manage all production for the RTC bakery.
It's time to apply for your certificate!
Course ID
Course Name
BAK 111 Yeast Doughs II NO 3
BAK 114
Cakes II NO 3
BAK 116
Artisan Bread II NO 3
BAK 118 Bakery Operations II NO 3
BAK 119 Cakes III NO 3
BAK 120 French Pastries NO 3

Estimated Total Cost for Your Certificate of Completion: $10,178 plus cost of uniform

You can continue with Quarter 5 to earn your AAS degree.

Quarter 5

[Winter] Quarter 5 Course Information
Description: In this quarter, you complete General Education credits for your Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree. You must take a social science class, but you get to choose the other two General Education classes. Recommendations are included below.
It's time to apply for graduation!
Course ID
Course Name
PSYC& 100 General Psychology (recommended) or another social science class  YES 5
BUS& 101 Introduction to Business (recommended) or another General Education elective NO 5
NUTR& 101 Human Nutrition (recommended) or another General Education elective NO 5

Estimated Total Cost for Your AAS Degree: $12,020 plus cost of uniform


Quarter 1

Spring Start

[Spring] Quarter 1 Course Information
Description: This quarter introduces you to the 12-step baking process, including kitchen safety, dough mixing, and eight basic cookie types.
Course ID
Course Name
COL 101 College Success NO 2
BAK 101 Ovens I YES 3
BAK 103 Doughnuts NO 3
BAK 104 Scaling  NO 3
BAK 107 Cookies NO 3
BAK 109 Pastries NO 3
BAK 117 Bakery Operations I NO 3
CUL 105 Foundations  YES 3

Quarter 2

[Summer] Quarter 2 Course Information
Description: In this quarter, you learn about bread and pastry doughs; piping and filling; and retail bakery displays. You also practice opening, closing, and storeroom duties related to daily service.
Course ID
Course Name
BAK 105 Mixing I NO 3
BAK 108 Pies and Tarts NO 3
BAK 160
Bakery Math NO 5
CMST 280 Intercultural Communication (recommended) or another communication or humanities class varies by class 5

Quarter 3

[Fall] Quarter 3 Course Information
Description: You apply your artistry to intermediate and advanced baking techniques (croissants, sourdough, fondant, special-order cakes). You get the opportunity to manage all production for the RTC bakery.
Course ID
Course Name
BAK 110 Yeast Doughs I NO 3
BAK 112 Puff Pastries NO 3
BAK 113 Cakes I NO 3
BAK 115 Artisan Bread I NO 3
BAK 102
Ovens II NO 3
BAK 106
Mixing II NO 3

Quarter 4

[Winter] Quarter 4 Course Information
Description: You learn to make advanced specialty and wedding cakes as well as classic and contemporary French pastries, petit fours, and simple truffles.
Note: This quarter grants a certificate of completion.
It's time to apply for your certificate!
Course ID
Course Name
BAK 111
Yeast Doughs II NO 3
BAK 114 Cakes II NO 3
BAK 116 Artisan Bread II NO 3
BAK 118 Bakery Operations II NO 3
BAK 119
Cakes III NO 3
BAK 120
French Pastries NO 3

Estimated Total Cost for Your Certificate of Completion: $10,178 plus cost of uniform

You can continue with Quarter 5 to earn your AAS degree.

Quarter 5

[Spring] Quarter 5 Course Information
Estimated tuition and fees: $1,841
Description: In this quarter, you complete General Education credits for your Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree. You must take a social science class, but you get to choose the other two General Education classes. Recommendations are included below.
It's time to apply for graduation!
Course ID
Course Name
PSYC& 100 General Psychology (recommended) or another social science class  YES 5
BUS& 101 Introduction to Business (recommended) or another General Education elective NO 5
NUTR& 101 Human Nutrition (recommended) or another General Education elective NO 5

Estimated Total Cost for Your AAS Degree: $12,020 plus cost of uniform


Quarter 1

Summer Start

[Summer] Quarter 1 Course Information
Estimated tuition and fees: $3,014

Description: This quarter introduces you to the 12-step baking process, including kitchen safety, dough mixing, and eight basic cookie types.
Course ID
Course Name
COL 101 College Success NO 2
BAK 101 Ovens I YES 3
BAK 103 Doughnuts NO 3
BAK 104 Scaling  NO 3
BAK 160 Bakery Math NO 5

Quarter 2

[Fall] Quarter 2 Course Information
Estimated tuition and fees: $2,300

Description: In this quarter, you learn about bread and pastry doughs; piping and filling; and retail bakery displays. You also practice opening, closing, and storeroom duties related to daily service.. 
Course ID
Course Name
BAK 105 Mixing I NO 3
BAK 107 Cookies NO 3
BAK 108 Pies and Tarts NO 3
BAK 109 Pastries NO 3
BAK 110 Yeast Doughs I NO 3
BAK 117 Bakery Operations I NO 3
CUL 105 Foundations  YES 3

Quarter 3

[Winter] Quarter 3 Course Information
Estimated tuition and fees: $2,044

Description: You will continue to build your skills and learn key calculations to achieve consistency and successful results.
Course ID
Course Name
BAK 102 Ovens II NO 3
BAK 106 Mixing II NO 3
BAK 111 Yeast Doughs II NO 3
BAK 112 Puff Pastries NO 3
BAK 113 Cakes I NO 3
BAK 115 Artisan Bread I NO 3
CMST 280 Intercultural Communication (recommended) or another communication or humanities class varies by class 5

Quarter 4

[Spring] Quarter 4 Course Information
Estimated tuition and fees: $2,300

Description: You apply your artistry to intermediate and advanced baking techniques (croissants, sourdough, fondant, special-order cakes). You get the opportunity to manage all production for the RTC bakery.
It's time to apply for your certificate!
Course ID
Course Name
BAK 114 Cakes II NO 3
BAK 116
Artisan Bread II NO 3
BAK 118 Bakery Options II NO 3
BAK 119 Cakes III NO 3
BAK 120 French Pastries NO 3
CMST 280 Intercultural Communication (recommended) or another communication or humanities class varies by class 5

Estimated Total Cost for Your Certificate of Completion: $10,178 plus cost of uniform

You can continue with Quarter 5 to earn your AAS degree.

Quarter 5

[Summer] Quarter 5 Course Information
Estimated tuition and fees: $1,841
Description: In this quarter, you complete General Education credits for your Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree. You must take a social science class, but you get to choose the other two General Education classes. Recommendations are included below.
It's time to apply for graduation!
Course ID
Course Name
PSYC& 100 General Psychology (recommended) or another social science class  YES 5
BUS& 101 Introduction to Business (recommended) or another General Education elective NO 5
NUTR& 101 Human Nutrition (recommended) or another General Education elective NO 5

Estimated Total Cost for Your AAS Degree: $12,020 plus cost of uniform

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