Course Syllabus


CSI-291 Developing Web Applications Using ASP.NET


Course Description:

This is an advanced course in web application development.  Students design and develop web-based applications using web forms and MVC technologies.  Multi-tier "full stack" applications will be developed using Microsoft SQL Server databases, client-side scripting using JavaScript and server-side scripting for business logic using server-based components written in C#. User interfaces will be created using HTML5/CSS3 using responsive design techniques (Bootstrap).  Students will design and develop their own original web applications using these technologies.    


  • CSI-101 - Networking Essentials
  • CSI-102 - Introduction to Microsoft Office
  • CSI-145 - Introduction to the Internet and Web Authoring
  • CSI 152 – Intro to Programming
  • CSI 154 - Introduction to programming using Microsoft Visual Studio
  • CSI 155 - Object-oriented programming using .Net Framework
  • CSI 156 – Introduction to Database Theory and Design
  • CSI 258 – SQL Server Development and Administration
  • CSI 256 – Advanced Programming Concepts with C# 



Hybrid Course Schedule:

Tuesdays (one hour) 9am - 10pm in room J-109

Wednesdays (one hour) 9am - 10pm in room J-109

Thursdays (one hour) 9am - 10pm in room J-109

Online activities:

2-3 hours of daily online activities

Holidays and non-contact days:

See RTC Academic Calendar


    Faculty Information:

    • Karen Post-  Instructor, Computer Science
      • Office phone:  425-235-7818
      • Email:
      • Office/Lab - J109
      • Hours:  8:00am - 3:00pm PST M/F  



    Karen Braunstein-Post holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Santa Clara University, California and holds an MBA with a specialty in IT Management from Western Governors University.  She started her career in Information Technology in 1977 working as a Systems Engineer for Northern Telecom Systems in San Francisco, CA. She worked as an EDP Audit Programmer for Washington Mututal Bank from 1980 to 1984.

    Karen has been teaching in the Computer Science program at Renton Technical College since 1984 when she taught COBOL programming and mainframe JCL. She has since taught courses in Networking, “C” Language, FORTRAN, Pascal, Assembly Language, Visual Basic (classic and .NET), HTML, JavaScript, ASP.NET, XML, Systems Analysis, Human Relations, IT Research and Writing, Rich Internet Clients and Structured Query Language (SQL Server). In 1996, Karen co-authored a Visual Basic programming textbook with Mr. Ron Gilster. She was the Program Architect of the Web Application Developer On-Line program for the National Center for Emerging Technologies. Karen has worked on many projects that have benefited Renton Technical College. She is the developer of the “CBE Automated Desktop” software and is a technical specialist in Competency-based Education.  Karen has worked as a web application/database developer consultant on large projects for companies such as Gensco, Inc. and TTF Aerospace, LLC.

    Karen was most recently awarded an "Example of Excellence" award from Western Governor's University for a submission for the JDT2 Human Resources graduate course.  Karen was awarded the Puget Power/RTC Outstanding Faculty award in1998.

    Karen earned her Private Pilot’s license in 1980, is a certified scuba diver, has completed the Seattle to Portland bicycle ride three times, enjoys running the St. Patrick’s Day Dash each year and has completed two sprint distance triathlons. She is most proud of the fact that she is the mother of two very wonderful daughters.

    "I truly enjoy teaching this course as it gives us the opportunity to utilize database management and application development tools (SQL Server and Visual Studio) that allow for development of multi-tier web and mobile-friendly web applications in this degree program!"


    Course Outcomes:           

    1. Create HTML5/CSS3 user interfaces that are responsive on different platforms (PC, tablet and mobile) to industry standards.
    2. Describe the difference between client-side and server-side scripting in web applications to current industry standards
    3. Create an interactive web application using active server pages to maintain state using cookies, application and session to current industry standards.
    4. Create a multi-tier web application using Active Data Objects (ADO.NET) database technology with SQL Server, active server pages and Visual Studio server components to current industry standards.
    5. Develop and test responsive Model View Controller (MVC) web applications using HTML5, CSS3 and the ADO.NET Entity Framework as the database model.  
    6. May use Microsoft Azure to host databases.
    7. Add security to existing web applications using ASP.NET identity technologies.


     Text/s, Tools and Materials:

    No text required.  Classroom materials and Internet resources will be provided to supplement the instruction.

    There is no textbook required for this course.  In lieu of a textbook, I have provided links to articles, videos and other online content.  You are expected to read/view this material as it is an important part of the learning experience.  Our classroom time will be dedicated to demonstrations and hands-on lab experiences.


    Grading and Evaluation:

    • The grades in this course will be based on completion of two individual web application projects (web forms and MVC), discussions and on quizzes covering classroom lecture and reading assignments.  
    • There are no separate mid-term or final exams. 
    • The individual development project grades and quizzes weigh equally in calculating the final grade (75%). 
      • The development projects will be demonstrated via a video presentation upon completion of each phase. 
      • A grade will be earned for each phase of the development work based upon rubrics supplied to students before each phase begins. 
    • Participation in required discussions will be weighted 25% of total grade.
      • Note that I will respond to each student individually in the comments section when assigning points.  I will post a general comment related to all posts in the discussion thread.
    • Grading for projects will be based upon the following criteria:

      • Adherence to specifications
      • Originality and creativity
      • Professionalism in presentation
      • Demonstrating an understanding of the technology involved  in creating the applications   
    • Check out the RTC Grading Scale.docx
      • Exceptions to this grading scale:
        • I will round your final average to the nearest whole number.  
        • I will extend the range for a 4.0 to 97%.
        • 70% and above will be considered a passing score.

    Internet Development Individual Project Description:

    • During this quarter you will develop a theme and design a database for two internet web applications, one using web forms, the other using MVC (Model View Controller) technologies.
      • The theme must be for an e-commerce application that offers a product or service.
    • You may use the same theme for both applications or create two separate applications.
    • You will create these web applications in phases and demonstrate your work by creating video presentations in which you will step the viewer through your application and show the source code.  
      • This will be done at each phase (two phases per application - web forms and MVC)
    • Grades will be assigned according to rubrics that will be made available at the beginning of each phase of development. 

    Phases for this project will incorporate the following elements: 

    • HTML coding
    • Client-side scripting using Javascript 
    • Seamless user experience using AJAX technology
    • Creating views using HTML/CSS/Razor and the Bootstrap framework
    • Use of ASP.NET web controls and “code-behind pages” for web forms
    • Maintaining state
      • Application and Session objects
      • Creating and reading cookies using Active Server Page technology
    • Development and implementation of master pages
    • Database connectivity using Active Server Page technology
    • Database connectivity using Entity Framework "code-first" technology
    • Enforcing business rules using Active Server Page technology.
      • NET class modules and MVC controllers using C#

    Weekly Course Objectives:

    This schedule will give you a general idea of scheduling.

    • Week 1
      • JavaScript, HTML/CSS
      • Client-side user input validation
      • Client vs server-side scripting
      • HTTP protocol and web hosting
      • Introduction to ASP.NET using web forms
      • Build the Feedback and Feedback Answer forms of the classroom demo web application
    • Week 2-3
      • Using server-side controls on ASP.NET web forms
        • Code-behind pages
      • Build the Login form using Server validation controls
      • Using master pages
      • Incorporate master page into the classroom demo web application
    • Week 4
      • Maintaining state using application and session objects
      • Incorporate session and application state into the classroom demo
        • Using HTTP Request ServerVariables collection
      • Maintaining state using cookies
      • Incorporate cookies into the classroom demo application
      • Completion and demonstration (video presentation) of Phase One of the original web application by each student incorporating all of the technologies in weeks 1 - 4
    • Week 5
      • Introduction to database connectivity using ADO.NET and SQL Server
      • Add middle tier coding to classroom demo application to validate logins using ADO.NET
      • Add SQLDataSource control to display database data in the classroom demo application
    • Week 6
      • Demonstrate data manipulation operations using the SQLDataSource control
      • Add CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) functionality to the database access portion of the classroom demo application
    • Week 7
      • Completion and demonstration (video presentation) of Phase two of the original web application by each student incorporating all of the technologies in weeks 1 - 6
      • Model View Controller  - Models
        • Discuss the theory behind model view controller web development
        • Create an MVC model using the Microsoft Data Entity Framework code-first model in the classroom demo application 
      • Week 8-10
        • MVC  - Controllers and Views
          • Create MVC controllers
          • Create HTML5/ MVC views
          • Complete a sample application using database model, controllers and views to do CRUD (create, read, update and delete) operations on the data.
        • Design an original e-commerce MVC web application using the Data Entity Framework
      • Week 10
        • Continue to develop and test the classroom demo MVC web application using the Data Entity Framework
          • Develop CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations.
        • Using the MVC programming model, develop the individual project with database connectivity to allow CRUD operations
      • Week 11
        • Test and debug the original e-commerce MVC web application project
        • Demonstrate the application.
        • Demonstrate the final MVC project in a video presentation

      In the United States, it is important to give credit to the person or organization that originated an idea and requires you to make appropriate citations. This means that if you like an idea that was originated by someone else, you must give that person ororganization credit for having had that idea. Representing that idea as your own without citing a reference is referred to as plagiarism. Plagiarism is not tolerated at this institution. If a student is caught plagiarizing, the student will be subject to discipline. To help you better understand plagiarism and see examples of what is acceptable and not acceptable, visit the following site:

      Course Policies: 

      Have fun!

       First and foremost--we are all in this together. This unique learning experience provides opportunity for you to learn and explore.  Each class takes on its own personality based on the participants.  Get ready to have a good time! 

      Course structure and rules: 

      This course is a hybrid course.  This means there will be approximately 1/2 of the coursework completed by each student online outside of our lecture hours.  I expect that this online work will be completed as directed so that when we meet in the classroom students will be prepared.  I will not be repeating the online material except in cases where there are questions or areas that require further explanation.  I expect that during the time allotted for our face-to-face meetings for this course that you will respect me enough to give me your full attention.  This means no playing of computer games or recreational surfing of the Internet.  If I find that you are violating this policy, I will ask you to leave the classroom for that lecture as this is disruptive and unfair to those who choose to learn. 

      Please do not customize the configuration on the computers in this lab.  These computers are public property provided not only for your use but for those in Saturday and evening classes as well.  No one is assigned a specific computer for their personal use.  We will and often do format and reload the computers so make sure your work is backed up in at least two places (personal USB drive and or the cloud).  

      Contacting me: 

      I try to be in my office or in the lab for most of the day.  You are always welcome to talk with me whenever I am here.  If you need to get in touch with me outside of  school hours, you can email through Canvas or email me at  My office phone is: (425) 235-7818.   Please let me know in advance if you will be absent or have some unusual circumstances that would affect your work in this course.  I am happy to work with you. 


      As a student, you have taken on the responsibility to complete assignments on time whether they are for practice or for a grade.  If you are having trouble understanding a concept I expect you to have tried to solve the problem yourself and if necessary to ask for help.  Talk to your classmates, ask questions, give answers, and help each other!  Successful learners are self-motivated and committed. 

      Late assignments will lose ten percentage points for each day they are late (unless you have made prior arrangements with me).  An assignment received one day late will receive no better than a 90% even if it is perfect .  An assignment received two days late will receive no better than an 80% and so on…Remember that turning in SOMETHING is always better than receiving a “0” for that grade…I will not accept assignments more than five business days late. 

      I am most happy to help you with your work.  When I do this I will try not to create the solution for you but will instead try to lead you to a solution by asking questions and directing you to try certain things on your own.  My goal is to train you to be an effective and self-reliant problem solver.  These are critical skills you will need in your new career.  

      Assignments will be turned in via the Canvas interface.  I will give specific instructions/rubrics explaining how assignments will be graded and to how each assignment will be turned in. 


      I expect that you will be spending at least 2-3 hours per day outside of lecture on the online portion of this class.  You are also responsible for any reading or outside research necessary to complete your coursework.   


      RTC College Services:



      • Canvas Student Orientation is where you can access your grades and find additional help.          
      • Your grades will be reported in the Grades section of the course (on left)
      • Expect occasional updates and announcements from me via Canvas


      College Closures:

      RTC College-Wide Policy Information:

      • Non-discrimination Policy

      Renton Technical College provides equal opportunity in education and employment and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color national origin, age, perceived or actual physical or mental disability, pregnancy, genetic information, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, creed, religion, honorably discharged veterans or military status, or use of a trained guide dog or service animal, as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act and ADA Amendment Act, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act and Washington State Law Against Discrimination, Chapter 49.60 RCW and their implementing regulations.

      • Title IX and Sexual Misconduct

      Our school is committed to fostering a safe, productive learning and working environment. Title IX and our school policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex.  Sexual misconduct — including harassment, domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking — is also prohibited at our school.  Our school encourages anyone experiencing sexual misconduct to talk to someone about what happened, so they can get the support they need and Renton Technical College can respond appropriately. All employees of our institution must report concerns of sexual misconduct immediately to the Title IX Coordinator. 

      If you wish to report sexual misconduct or have questions about school policies and procedures regarding sexual misconduct or discrimination, please contact our school’s Title IX Coordinator and EEO Officer Lesley Hogan, Executive Director of Human Resources in J-202, 425-235-7873 or

      • Disability Resource Services

      A student with a documented disability who would like to request accommodations (i.e. ergonomic chair or extended time on tests), needs to meet with Disability Resource Services (DRS) to make this request.  A student may request an accommodation at any time, including many weeks before the quarter begins and/or during the quarter.

      A student who is experiencing learning and/or testing difficulties is also encouraged to make an appointment with DRS to request services (learning and/or testing strategies, information with regard to other services available both on and off campus).  This would include (but is not limited to) any student who is new to the process of requesting an accommodation, or who is experiencing difficulty obtaining documentation of a disability.

      To schedule with DRS please

      • send an email to,
      • call (425) 235-5840 or
      • come in person to
        • the Student Success Center (I bldg.) or
        • the Educational Support Center (J-218).

      Further information is available at







      Course Summary:

      Date Details Due