Paying for College
Would you like to learn about 7 ways to receive Tuition Assistance?
When: Every Wednesday: 2:30pm to 3:30pm
Where: Virtually Online! Enter here: Links to an external site.
or Call into this meeting : Phone: (253) 215-8782 Meeting ID: 962 4916 1892
Unable to attend this meeting? Please call us at: 425.235.5840
RTC offers many tuition assistance programs to support you. Contact Crista Shaw, Worker Retraining Recruitment Specialist let's talk! 425.235.6683
WorkForce Education sponsors many programs to support you! The BFET Basic Food Employment and Training program, The Opportunity Grant program, WorkFirst program and more. Contact Crista Shaw, Worker Retraining Recruitment Specialist - let's talk!
There's more!
RTC has Scholarships!!! Apply for Scholarships of $500, $1,000, $1,500 at the RTC Foundation during your 2nd Quarter attending RTC. Learn more here: Links to an external site.
There is more!
The Library is pleased to announce the scholarship resources library guide: (Control + Click here) new scholarship resources library guide Links to an external site.. In this guide, students can find:
- Scholarship databases that will help them find a variety of scholarships/grants
- Scholarships for Washington state students
- National scholarships
- Trade-specific scholarships
- Scholarships geared toward specific populations (LGBTQ students, African American students, Latinx students, etc.)
- eBooks on how to find money for college and how to turn in a successful scholarship application
We are here to support you. Please contact our team with any question you have:
Crista Shaw:
Samantha Nelson: