CNE 330 - Network Programming in Python I
About This Course
This course introduces students to the Python programming language from a networking focus. Students will use variables, loops, conditionals, functions, and modules to build scripts. Students will build and demonstrate their knowledge through labs and course projects.
Classes are online with lectures once a week Wednesday from 6-8:30PM
Office hours: Wednesday 5-6 PM or by appointment
And remember have fun with the class!
About your Instructor:
Welcome, my name is Justin Ellis and I am your instructor. A bit about me, I work full-time as an IT Systems Analyst at a local trucking company and I love working outside and doing projects around the house. I have been in your shoes and taken classes online, so please reach out if you need anything. I want all of you to succeed!
Justin Ellis, MBA, BAS CNE Instructor,
Slack: @Justin Ellis
The best way to contact me is by the Canvas mailbox or by email and I will respond within 24 hours.
Materials and Textbooks needed to succeed:
Materials are all online and very low cost. I want you to be able to use these resources after my class.
Table of Contents — How to Think like a Computer Scientist: Interactive Edition (
12 Week Schedule:
- Week 1: Introduction to Python
- Week 2: Simple Python Data
- Week 3: Functions
- Week 4: Selection
- Week 5: Python Turtle Graphics and Iteration
- Week 6: Unit Testing
- Week 7: Strings
- Week 8: Lists
- Week 9: Files
- Week 10: Dictionaries, Github, Final Project
- Week 11: Final Project
- Week 12: Final Project
Course Outcomes: What you will take away
- Recognize, select and use expressions with the Python Interactive Shell.
- Understand flow control and apply operations to create program functions and statements.
- Understand list data types, dictionaries and the structuring of data.
- Explain and manipulate strings and search of text patterns with expressions.
- Explain how programs read and write data to files.
- Use copy, move, rename, and delete functions to organize data.
- Use various Python debugging tools.
You will meet these outcomes by:
Students will reach these outcomes by completing individual projects and use PyCharm and readings to get an understanding of the language. They will collaborate with their peers and understand the fundamentals of Python by completing course quizzes and individual assignments
Tips for Success
To be successful in this course
- Check your calendar and email regularly. I will post tips and if you have any questions please ask them
- Engage in all discussions and complete all reading material
- Be on top of assignments that are due and do not fall behind
- Ask questions if you do not understand. I am here to help you succeed and I want all of you to succeed in this course
- Read the syllabus and review it.
- And if a link is broken or not working please let me know right away and not at the last minute
- Submit something even if not 100 percent done
- Check Slack on a regular basis
- Attend the weekly Zoom meeting or schedule individual meetings
- During these unprecedented times please let me know if you need any accommodations. PLEASE reach out if you need any additional help or need accommodations.
More help for your sucess
Please see the below link for additional resources available to you
Course Grading
Submission Rules:
Assignments are due 1 week after assigned, for example an assignment assigned on Wednesday will be due at midnight the following Tuesday. Change in due dates will be announced and then updated on Canvas.
Please see below website for RTC rules on Plagiarism
Overall Rating |
Performance indicators. This student: |
4.0 |
95 - 100% |
Excellent Performance |
3.9 |
93 - 94% |
3.8 |
92-91% |
3.7 |
90% |
3.6 |
89% |
3.5 |
88% |
Above-Average Performance |
3.4 |
87% |
3.3 |
86% |
3.2 |
85% |
3.1 |
84% |
3.0 |
83% |
2.9 |
82% |
2.8 |
81% |
2.7 |
80% |
2.6 |
79% |
2.5 |
78% |
Average Performance |
2.4 |
77% |
2.3 |
76% |
2.2 |
75% |
2.1 |
74% |
2.0 |
73% |
1.9 |
72% |
Minimum Performance |
1.8 |
71% |
1.7 |
70% |
1.6 |
69% |
1.5 |
68% |
1.4 |
67% |
1.3 |
66% |
1.2 |
65% |
1.1 |
64% |
1.0 |
63% -61% |
below |
61% |
Unsatisfactory Performance |
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |