Accounting Paraprofessional Certificate and AAS

Program Details Accounting Paraprofessional Certificate & AAS

This program is not accepting any new enrollments.

The last group of students had to enroll in January 2025. We are no longer accepting new Accounting Paraprofessional students starting in Spring 2025.

Here is a general overview of what your classes will look like following each quarter. This information reflects requirements starting in the summer of 2022, and it may be subject to change at any time without notice. Please contact your advisor for more information regarding the courses. To see which materials are needed for your courses, click this bookstore link Links to an external site. and enter the course information.

General Overview

As of Spring 2025 we are no longer accepting new students into the Accounting Paraprofessional Certificate and AAS Degree program. 

length of the program icon How long is the program?

  • 4 quarters (10 to 12 months) with 60 credits for the certificate
  • 6 quarters (22 to 24 months) with 90 total credits for the AAS degree

When do classes meet? FLEX (this means you attend on campus or by video chat or online)

Are summer classes required? Yes. You cannot complete the certificate or degree without attending classes during summer quarter (July and early August).

This program is designed to prepare you with the necessary skills for a career in the financial world. You will learn and practice subjects such as general accounting ledger, federal income tax, payroll, small business accounting, financial applications, and business law. 

What do bookkeepers do?

What is the average salary?

$51,250 annually in the Seattle-Bellevue-Tacoma area. Most bookkeepers earn at least $39,520; there is a wide salary range.

Who can I contact with questions?

Overall Materials Needed:

  1. Functioning laptop or computer
  2. USB drive (thumb drive)
  3. Webcam
  4. Headset with microphone
  5. Working internet connection
  6. Books and software packages ($1,140 total)

Minimum grades or GPA to graduate

You need a 2.0 in ACCT& 201 and ACCT& 202. You must pass all other classes with a 1.0 or better, and your cumulative or overall GPA must be 2.0 or higher to complete your Accounting certificate or degree.

Materials Warning

If you rent a textbook, make sure you return it by the deadline. If you purchase a textbook, you can sell it back to the RTC bookstore -- but make sure that you won't need the book again for classes in the future!

Fall 2024 start

Quarter 1 Classes

Description: In this quarter, you are introduced to the necessary tools for accounting tasks and learn how to record various important monetary information. This quarter consists of three core classes and one general education class in communication or humanities.

Quarter 1 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
COL 101 College Success NO 2
ACCT& 201 Principles of Accounting I YES 5
ASST 144 Introduction to Computer Applications NO 5
COMP 100 Applied Composition
or other communication or humanities class
varies by class 5
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $2,012

Quarter 2 Classes

Description: You will learn to manage general ledgers, accounts receivable, accounts payable, depreciation, inventory, payroll, and financial statements in a small business - using Microsoft Excel. You also will explore payroll (wages, overtime, leave, salary calculations, and payroll taxes). This quarter consists of three core classes.

Prerequisite notes: You cannot take ACCT 130 or ACCT& 202 until you complete ACCT& 201 with a 2.0 or higher. You cannot take ACCT 132 until you complete ASST 144 or an equivalent computing class.

It's time to apply for your certificate! You will complete the Accounting Clerk certificate this quarter.

Quarter 2 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
ACCT& 202 Principles of Accounting II NO 5
ACCT 130 Payroll Accounting
offered for the last time in winter 2026
ACCT 132 Excel for Accounting
offered for the last time in winter 2026
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,841

Quarter 3 Classes

Description: You will practice small business accounting, from general ledger through accounts receivable, accounts payable, depreciation, inventory, capital gains and losses, and financial statements. This quarter consists of two core classes and one mathematics class (AMATH 190 or higher recommended). Learn more about placement, which determines which math classes you can take. 

Prerequisite notes: You need to complete ACCT&202 with a 2.0 or higher to take ACCT& 203.

Quarter 3 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
ACCT 124 Small Business Accounting YES 5
ACCT& 203 Principles of Accounting III YES 5
AMATH 190 Financial Algebra
or other General Education math class
varies by class 5
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,841

Quarter 4 Classes

Description: You will take a special topics class on the latest innovations in the accounting field. This quarter will consist of one core class and one General Education social science class.

Prerequisite notes: You need to complete ACCT& 201 and ACCT 132 before you can take ACCT 150.

It's time to apply for your Paraprofessional certificate! You will complete the Accounting Paraprofessional Certificate this quarter.

Quarter 4 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
ACCT 195 Special Topics in Accounting
last offered in Summer 2025
BUS& 201 Business Law
or other social science class
varies by class 5
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,710

Total Estimated Cost for Your Accounting Paraprofessional Certificate: $8,545

If you would like to work towards your AAS degree, please continue to quarter 5.

Quarter 5 Classes for AAS Degree

Description: In this quarter, you will take a taxation class. You also choose two electives from General Education (ECON&201 or 202 recommended) and/or another program in Business Management (options listed at the bottom of the page). This allows you to individualize your degree, to focus on skills you still want to learn or different businesses where you can work in accounting.

If you started another program and changed your focus to Accounting, you may have Business Management program electives already!

Quarter 5 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
ACCT 179 Taxation I
offered for the last time in fall 2025
--- General Education or Business Management program elective --- 5
--- General Education or Business Management program elective --- 5
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,841

Quarter 6 Classes for AAS Degree

Description: This is your final quarter for your degree. You choose 15 credits of electives from General Education (ECON&201 or 202 recommended) and/or another program in Business Management.

If you started another program and changed your focus to Accounting, you may have Business Management program electives already!

It's time to apply for your AAS degree!

Quarter 6 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
--- General Education or Business Management program elective --- 5
--- General Education or Business Management program elective --- 5
--- General Education or Business Management program elective --- 5
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,841

Total Estimated Cost for Your Accounting Paraprofessional AAS Degree: $12,300

Winter 2025 start (certificate)

Quarter 1 Classes

Quarter 1 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
COL 101 College Success NO 2
ACCT& 201 Principles of Accounting I YES 5
ASST 144 Introduction to Computer Applications NO 5
COMP 100 Applied Composition
or other communication or humanities class
varies by class 5
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $2,012

Quarter 2 Classes

Quarter 2 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
ACCT& 202 Principles of Accounting II YES 5
ACCT 124 Small Business Accounting YES 5
AMATH 175 Financial Math or higher depends 5
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,841

Quarter 3 Classes

Quarter 3 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
ACCT 195 Special Topics in Accounting
last offered in Summer 2025
General Education Social Science like BUS&201 Business Law NO 5
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,710

Quarter 4 Classes

Quarter 4 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
ACCT&203 Principles of Accounting III YES 5
Estimated Tuition and Fees:

Quarter 5 Classes

Quarter 5 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
ACCT 130 Payroll Accounting
offered for the last time in winter 2026
ACCT 132 Excel for Accounting
offered for the last time in winter 2026
Estimated Tuition and Fees:

Total Estimated Cost for Your Accounting Paraprofessional Certificate: $8,545

Winter 2025 start (AAS)

Quarter 1 Classes

Quarter 1 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
COL 101 College Success NO 2
ACCT& 201 Principles of Accounting I YES 5
ASST 144 Introduction to Computer Applications NO 5
COMP 100 Applied Composition
or other communication or humanities class
varies by class 5
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $2,012

Quarter 2 Classes

Quarter 2 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
ACCT& 202 Principles of Accounting II YES 5
ACCT 124 Small Business Accounting YES 5
AMATH 175 Financial Math or higher depends 5
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,841

Quarter 3 Classes

Quarter 3 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
ACCT 195 Special Topics in Accounting
last offered in Summer 2025
General Education Social Science like BUS&201 Business Law NO 5
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,710

Quarter 4 Classes

Quarter 4 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
ACCT&203 Principles of Accounting III YES 5
ACCT 179 Taxation I
offered for the last time in fall 2025
General Education or Business Management Elective 5
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,841

Quarter 5 Classes

Quarter 5 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
ACCT 130 Payroll Accounting
offered for the last time in winter 2026
ACCT 132 Excel for Accounting
offered for the last time in winter 2026
General Education or Business Management Elective 5
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,841

Quarter 6 Classes

Quarter 6 Course Information
General Education or Business Management Elective 5
General Education or Business Management Elective 5
General Education or Business Management Elective 5
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,841

Fall 2023 start and earlier

Quarter 1 Classes

Description: In this quarter, you are introduced to the necessary tools for accounting tasks and learn how to record various important monetary information. This quarter consists of three core classes and one general education class in communication or humanities.

Quarter 1 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
COL 101 College Success NO 2
ACCT& 201 Principles of Accounting I YES 5
ACCT 132 Basic Excel YES 5
COMP 100 Applied Composition
or other communication or humanities class
varies by class 5
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $2,012

Quarter 2 Classes

Description: You will learn to manage general ledgers, accounts receivable, accounts payable, depreciation, inventory, payroll, and financial statements in a small business. You also will explore payroll (wages, overtime, leave, salary calculations, and payroll taxes) and individual federal income taxes. This quarter consists of three core classes.

Prerequisite notes: You cannot take ACCT 130 or ACCT& 202 until you complete ACCT& 201 with a 2.0 or higher.

It's time to apply for your certificate! You will complete the Accounting Clerk certificate this quarter.

Quarter 2 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
ACCT& 202 Principles of Accounting II NO 5
ACCT 130 Payroll Accounting YES 5
ACCT 179 Taxation I YES 5
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,841

Quarter 3 Classes

Description: You will practice small business accounting, from general ledger through accounts receivable, accounts payable, depreciation, inventory, capital gains and losses, and financial statements. You will learn more advanced concepts in the federal tax code such as forms 940 and 941. This quarter consists of two core classes and one mathematics class (AMATH 190 or higher recommended). Learn more about placement, which determines which math classes you can take. 

Prerequisite notes: You cannot take ACCT 275 until you earn a 1.0 or higher in ACCT 179. 

Quarter 3 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
ACCT 124 Small Business Accounting YES 5
ACCT 275 Taxation II YES (same as 179) 5
AMATH 190 Financial Algebra
or other General Education math class
varies by class 5
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,841

Quarter 4 Classes

Description: You will do intensive preparation for the national Certified Professional Bookkeeper exam. This quarter will consist of one core class and one General Education social science class.

Prerequisite notes: You need to complete ACCT 124 and ACCT 179 with a 1.0 or higher, and ACCT& 201, ACCT& 202 with a 2.0 or higher before you can take ACCT 150.

It's time to apply for your Paraprofessional certificate! You will complete the Accounting Paraprofessional Certificate this quarter.

Quarter 4 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
ACCT 150 Bookkeeping Certification YES 8
BUS& 201 Business Law
or other social science class
varies by class 5
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,710

Total Estimated Cost for Your Accounting Paraprofessional Certificate: $8,545

If you would like to work towards your AAS degree, please continue to quarter 5.

Quarter 5 Classes for AAS Degree

Description: In this quarter, you will take the third and final class in the accounting sequence, with a focus on managerial accounting. You also choose two electives from General Education (ECON&201 or 202 recommended) and/or another program in Business Management (options listed at the bottom of the page). This allows you to individualize your degree, to focus on skills you still want to learn or different businesses where you can work in accounting.

If you started another program and changed your focus to Accounting, you may have Business Management program electives already!

Prerequisite notes: You need to complete ACCT&202 with a 2.0 or higher to take ACCT& 203.

Quarter 5 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
ACCT& 203 Principles of Accounting III NO 5
--- General Education or Business Management program elective --- 5
--- General Education or Business Management program elective --- 5
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,841

Quarter 6 Classes for AAS Degree

Description: This is your final quarter for your degree. You choose 15 credits of electives from General Education (ECON&201 or 202 recommended) and/or another program in Business Management.

If you started another program and changed your focus to Accounting, you may have Business Management program electives already!

It's time to apply for your AAS degree!

Quarter 6 Course Information
Course ID Course Name Materials Credits
--- General Education or Business Management program elective --- 5
--- General Education or Business Management program elective --- 5
--- General Education or Business Management program elective --- 5
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,841

Total Estimated Cost for Your Accounting Paraprofessional AAS Degree: $12,300

Business Management Electives for the AAS (click to see the full list)

You get to select 25 credits of electives for your AAS degree.

You can choose classes from any of the five General Education areas, or you can use one or more of the classes listed below from other programs in the Business Management area of study.

Contemporary Business Administration

All business classes are 5 credits each. There are no prerequisites.

  • BUS 110 Social Media Marketing
  • BUS 125 Concept to Commercialization
  • BUS 130 Small Business Marketing
  • BUS 135 Finance for Small Business
  • BUS 180 Principles of Management
  • BUS 230 Principles of Operations Management
  • BUS 240 Principles of Selling and Negotiation
  • BUS 270 Human Resources Management
  • BUS 280 Office Procedures

Construction Management

Construction Management classes can be 2, 3, 4, or 5 credits. Some have prerequisites.

  • CONST 103 Introduction to Computers (2 credits)
  • CONST 115 Budgeting & Accounting for Construction Management (5 credits)
  • CONST 140 Construction Plan Reading (3 credits)
  • CONST 160 Materials, Methods & Equipment (3 credits)
  • CONST 183 Mechanical and Electrical Systems (3 credits)
  • CONST 185 Civil Construction (3 credits)
  • CONST 202 Quantity Survey and Estimating (4 credits)
  • CONST 225 Contract Administration and Procurement (3 credits)
  • CONST 230 Project Management-Planning and Scheduling (5 credits)
  • CONST 250 Project Safety and Accident Prevention (4 credits)
  • CONST 251 Safety Planning and Administration (3 credits)
  • CONST 261 Human Relations for the Construction Industry (3 credits)
  • CONST 266 Advanced Technology for Construction I (2 credits)
  • CONST 267 Advanced Technology for Construction II (2 credits)
  • CONST 269 LEED® Green Associate Preparation (2 credits)
  • CONST 270 Understanding Structural Design (2 credits)
  • CONST 280 Building Codes (2 credits)

Legal Assistant

Legal Assistant classes can be 1, 3, 4, or 5 credits. There are no prerequisites.

  • LGL 101 Introduction to the Legal Profession (5 credits)
  • LGL 105 Legal Keyboarding (1 credit)
  • LGL 108 Law Office Procedures I (5 credits)
  • LGL 109 Law Office Procedures II  (5 credits)
  • LGL 110 Family Law and Estate Planning Procedures (5 credits)
  • LGL 113 Business Law Procedures (5 credits)
  • LGL 117 Law Office Procedures III (5 credits)
  • LGL 120 Human Relations in the Legal Office (3 credits)
  • LGL 121 Word Processing (5 credits)
  • LGL 127 Office Applications I (4 credits)
  • LGL 128 Office Applications II (4 credits)
  • LGL 140 Technology in the Law Office (4 credits)
  • LGL 162 Business Math (3 credits)
  • LGL 192 Job Search (4 credits)
  • LGL 201 Civil Litigation (5 credits)  
  • ENGL 075 Business English (4 credits)
  • ENGL 085 Business Communication (4 credits)

Office Assistant

Many students take these classes before they start another program, because they cover very basic computer skills, but anyone can enroll in ASST classes.

  • ASST Business Math (3 credits)
  • ASST 115 Keyboarding and Document Processing (5 credits)
  • ASST 144 Introduction to Computer Applications (5 credits)
  • ASST 181 Career Prep and Human Relations (5 credits)

Not quite the path you want to take? Let's go back to the Program Map!

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