Automotive Technology Certificate & AAS (I-BEST)

Program Details Page Automotive Technology Certificate & AAS

Welcome to the Program Page dedicated to the Automotive Technology Certificate & AAS program! This page is designed to give an overview of what the quarter will look like based on the starting point in the year. Click on one of the desired tabs below to view the course schedule. This information may be subject to change at any time without notice, please contact your adviser for more information regarding the courses.

What is I-BEST?

Bookstore Information

a picture of an open bookInformation regarding the materials can be found at the RTC bookstore Links to an external site.. Just fill in the course information and you will be set!

The bookstore has what you need in regards to materials so be sure to check it out! It is always better to be prepared than to wait last second to buy your materials!

General Overview

When can I start? Fall (September), Winter (January), or Spring (April)

length of the program icon How long is the program?

  • 5 quarters (up to 17 months) with 80 total credits for the Automotive Technology Certificate of Completion
  • 7 quarters (up to 23 months) with 100 credits for the Automotive Technology AAS Degree

When do classes meet? 7:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Mondays - Wednesdays in -person (until 2:00 p.m. during summer quarter). Thursdays hybrid.

You receive comprehensive training in all areas of automotive service and repair: basic diagnostics, brakes, steering, suspension, engines, engine performance, manual drive trains, automatic transmissions, electrical systems, heating, and air conditioning. Classes use the A-series standards of the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), Links to an external site.formerly called NATEF, so you can start working towards a certification in Automobile and Light Truck Technician.

You can learn more about the Automotive program in our $25 class CCP 029 Bridge to Transportation.

What does an automotive service technician do?

What is the average salary?

$58,370 annually Links to an external site. in the Seattle-Bellevue-Tacoma area. Most automotive service technicians earn at least $37,160; there is a wide salary range.

Who can I contact for questions?

 (Links to an external site.)

Overall Materials Needed:

  1. Webcam
  2. Headset with microphone
  3. Working internet connection
  4. Uniform ($50)
  5. Basic tool set ($2000 to $3500 -- you may be able to borrow tools in the beginning, and you can download the sample tool list Download download the sample tool list here)
  6. Textbooks ($400)
  7. Personal protective equipment ($50)

Materials Warning

 If you rent a textbook, make sure you return it by the deadline. If you purchase a textbook, you can sell it back to the RTC bookstore -- but make sure that you won't need the book again for classes in the future!

Mobile Browser Information

For optimal experience, please rotate your phone sideways to view the page in landscape mode.

Key Course Icons (learn more)

expensive materials green means the class has expensive materials lots of assignments red means the class has lots of assignments technical vocabulary purple means the class has a lot of technical vocabulary complex content orange means the class has complex content fast pace blue means the class moves at a fast pace key quarter gold means that this is the most challenging quarter in the whole program


Quarter 1

Fall Start

[Fall] Quarter 1 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $2,776

Description: You will learn fundamental automotive safety and shop operations like writing and handling repair orders, changing oil and car batteries, and using diagnostic equipment.
Course ID
Course Name
COL 101 College Success NO 2
AUTC 101 Safety/Environmental Issues YES 2
AUTC 112 Maintenance and Light Repair YES 7
AUTC 117 Electrical Systems complex content YES 7
AUTC 171 Written Communications NO 1
INDS 101 First Aid/CPR & AED NO 1

Quarter 2

[Winter] Quarter 2 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $2,284

Description: You will learn all about brakes (drum, disc, parking, and anti-lock brakes; hydraulic systems; power assist; and traction control systems) as well as steering, suspensions, wheel alignment, and tires. You also study ways to work productively with customers and other auto shop employees.
It's time to apply for your certificate!
You finish the Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair certificate this quarter.
Course ID
Course Name
AUTC 118
Brakes YES 7
AUTC 132
Steering and Suspension YES 7
AUTC 180
Human Relations/Customer Relations NO 1
AUTC 160 Automotive Mathematics NO 1

Quarter 3

[Spring] Quarter 3 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $2,304

Description: You are moving to more advanced automotive theory. In the first class, you learn to diagnose and fix problems with engines, engine blocks, cylinder heads, timing, and lubrication and cooling systems. In your second class this quarter, you work on manual transmissions, transaxles, driveshafts, velocity joints, differentials, and four-wheel/all-wheel-drive systems.
Prerequisite notes: You cannot take AUTC 228 or AUTC 233 until you complete AUTC 101, 112, and 117 with a 2.0 or higher.
Course ID
Course Name
AUTC 228
Engine Repair and Shop Computations YES 8
AUTC 233
Manual Drive Train and Axles YES 8

Quarter 4

[Summer] Quarter 4 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,892

Description: Your topics this quarter include refrigeration, heating, ventilation, engine cooling, and operational controls, as well as refrigerant recovery, recycling, and handling according to EPA regulations. You also learn to diagnose and repair batteries, accessories, and multiple auto systems (starting, charging, lighting, driver information, wiper/washer systems). Finally, you study advanced concepts like computerized control systems, sensor operation and diagnosis, actuator operation and diagnosis, and onboard diagnostic systems.
Prerequisite notes: You cannot take AUTC 124 or AUTC 226 until you complete AUTC 101, 112, and 117 with a 2.0 or higher.
Course ID
Course Name
AUTC 124
Heating and Air Conditioning NO 6
AUTC 226
Advanced Electronics NO 6

Quarter 5

[Fall] Quarter 5 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $2,304
Description: In this quarter, you learn to diagnose and repair all of the following: automatic transmissions and transaxles; ignition, fuel, emissions, and on-board diagnostic computer systems; and air induction, exhaust systems, and emissions controls, and related systems.
Prerequisite notes: You cannot take AUTC 204 or AUTC 216 until you complete AUTC 101, 112, and 117 with a 2.0 or higher.
It's time to apply for your certificate of completion!
You finish the Automotive Technology certificate this quarter.
Course ID
Course Name
AUTC 204 Automatic Transmissions TBD 6
AUTC 216 Engine Performance and Emissions TBD 10

Estimated Cost for Your Certificate of Completion: $15,060
($12,060 for tuition, fees, and protective equipment, plus $3,000 for all tools)

Continue with Quarter 6 classes to earn your Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree.


Quarter 6

[Winter] Quarter 6 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,436
Description: You take the first two of four General Education classes for your associate degree; one is math, and the other is social science. Recommendations are included below, but you have many choices.
Course ID
Course Name
AMATH 175 Financial Math
or other General Education mathematics class
NO 5
ANTH&106 American Mosaic
or other General Education social science class
NO 5

Quarter 7

[Spring] Quarter 7 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,436
Description: You take the last two of four General Education classes for your associate degree; one is communication OR humanities, and the other is any general education elective. Recommendations are included below, but you have many choices.

It's time to apply for graduation!
You finish the Automotive Technology AAS degree this quarter.
Course ID
Course Name
COMP 100
or CMST&101
Applied Composition
or Introduction to Communication
or another communications or humanities class
NO 5
BUS&101 Introduction to Business
or any other General Education Class
NO 5

Estimated Cost for Your AAS Degree: $17,931
($14,931 for tuition, fees, and protective equipment, plus $3,000 for all tools)


Quarter 1

Winter Start

[Winter] Quarter 1 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $2,776
Description: You will learn fundamental automotive safety and shop operations like writing and handling repair orders, changing oil and car batteries, and using diagnostic equipment.
Course ID
Course Name
COL 101 College Success NO 2
AUTC 101 Safety/Environmental Issues YES 2
AUTC 112 Maintenance and Light Repair YES 7
AUTC 117 Electrical Systems YES 7
AUTC 171 Written Communications NO 1
INDS 101 First Aid/CPR & AED NO 1

Quarter 2

[Spring] Quarter 2 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $2,284
You will learn all about brakes (drum, disc, parking, and anti-lock brakes; hydraulic systems; power assist; and traction control systems) as well as steering, suspensions, wheel alignment, and tires. You also study ways to work productively with customers and other auto shop employees.
It's time to apply for certificate!
You finish the Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair certificate this quarter.
Course ID
Course Name
AUTC 118
Brakes YES 7
AUTC 132
Steering and Suspension YES 7
AUTC 180
Human Relations/Customer Relations TBD 1
AUTC 160 Automotive Mathematics TBD 1

Quarter 3

[Summer] Quarter 3 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,892

Description: Your topics this quarter include refrigeration, heating, ventilation, engine cooling, and operational controls, as well as refrigerant recovery, recycling, and handling according to EPA regulations. You also learn to diagnose and repair batteries, accessories, and multiple auto systems (starting, charging, lighting, driver information, wiper/washer systems). Finally, you study advanced concepts like computerized control systems, sensor operation and diagnosis, actuator operation and diagnosis, and onboard diagnostic systems.
Note: The prerequisites of both classes are the completion of AUTC 101, 112, and 117 with a 2.0 or higher.
Course ID
Course Name
AUTC 124
Heating and Air Conditioning NO 6
AUTC 226
Advanced Electronics NO 6

Quarter 4

[Fall] Quarter 4 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $2,304

Description: You are moving to more advanced automotive theory. In the first class, you learn to diagnose and fix problems with engines, engine blocks, cylinder heads, timing, and lubrication and cooling systems. In your second class this quarter, you work on manual transmissions, transaxles, driveshafts, velocity joints, differentials, and four-wheel/all-wheel-drive systems.
Prerequisite notes: You cannot take AUTC 228 or AUTC 233 until you complete AUTC 101, 112, and 117 with a 2.0 or higher.
Course ID
Course Name
AUTC 228
Engine Repair and Shop Computations YES 8
AUTC 233
Manual Drivetrain and Axles YES 8

Quarter 5

[Winter] Quarter 5 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $2,304
Description: In this quarter, you learn to diagnose and repair all of the following: automatic transmissions and transaxles; ignition, fuel, emissions, and on-board diagnostic computer systems; and air induction, exhaust systems, and emissions controls, and related systems.
Prerequisite notes: You cannot take AUTC 204 or AUTC 216 until you complete AUTC 101, 112, and 117 with a 2.0 or higher.
It's time to apply for your certificate of completion!
You finish the Automotive Technology certificate this quarter.
Course ID
Course Name
AUTC 204 Automatic Transmissions TBD 6
AUTC 216 Engine Performance and Emissions TBD 10

Estimated Cost for Your Certificate of Completion: $15,060
($12,060 for tuition, fees, and protective equipment, plus $3,000 for all tools)

Continue with Quarter 6 classes to earn your Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree.


Quarter 6

[Spring] Quarter 6 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,436
Description: You take the first two of four General Education classes for your associate degree; one is math, and the other is social science. Recommendations are included below, but you have many choices.
Course ID
Course Name
AMATH 175 Financial Math
or other General Education mathematics class
NO 5
ANTH&106 American Mosaic
or other General Education social science class
NO 5

Quarter 7

[Summer] Quarter 7 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,436
Description: You take the last two of four General Education classes for your associate degree; one is communication OR humanities, and the other is any general education elective. Recommendations are included below, but you have many choices.

It's time to apply for graduation!
You finish the Automotive Technology AAS degree this quarter.
Course ID
Course Name
COMP 100
or CMST&101
Applied Composition
or Introduction to Communication
or another communications or humanities class
NO 5
BUS&101 Introduction to Business
or any other General Education Class
NO 5

Estimated Cost for Your AAS Degree: $17,931
($14,931 for tuition, fees, and protective equipment, plus $3,000 for all tools)


Quarter 1

Spring Start

[Spring] Quarter 1 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $2,776

Description: You will learn fundamental automotive safety and shop operations like writing and handling repair orders, changing oil and car batteries, and using diagnostic equipment.
Course ID
Course Name
COL 101 College Success NO 2
AUTC 101 Safety/Environmental Issues YES 2
AUTC 112 Maintenance and Light Repair YES 7
AUTC 117 Electrical Systems YES 7
AUTC 171 Written Communications NO 1
INDS 101 First Aid/CPR & AED NO 1

Quarter 2

[Summer] Quarter 2 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,892

Description: Your topics this quarter include refrigeration, heating, ventilation, engine cooling, and operational controls, as well as refrigerant recovery, recycling, and handling according to EPA regulations. You also learn to diagnose and repair batteries, accessories, and multiple auto systems (starting, charging, lighting, driver information, wiper/washer systems). Finally, you study advanced concepts like computerized control systems, sensor operation and diagnosis, actuator operation and diagnosis, and onboard diagnostic systems.
Note: The prerequisites of both classes are the completion of AUTC 101, 112, and 117 with a 2.0 or higher.
Course ID
Course Name
AUTC 124
Heating and Air Conditioning NO 6
AUTC 226
Advanced Electronics NO 6

Quarter 3

[Fall] Quarter 3 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $2,284

Description: You will learn all about brakes (drum, disc, parking, and anti-lock brakes; hydraulic systems; power assist; and traction control systems) as well as steering, suspensions, wheel alignment, and tires. You also study ways to work productively with customers and other auto shop employees.

It's time to apply for your certificate!
You finish the Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair certificate this quarter.
Course ID
Course Name
AUTC 118
Brakes YES 7
AUTC 132
Steering and Suspension YES 7
AUTC 180
Human Relations/Customer Relations TBD 1
AUTC 160 Automotive Mathematics TBD 1

Quarter 4

[Winter] Quarter 4 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $2,304

Description: You are moving to more advanced automotive theory. In the first class, you learn to diagnose and fix problems with engines, engine blocks, cylinder heads, timing, and lubrication and cooling systems. In your second class this quarter, you work on manual transmissions, transaxles, driveshafts, velocity joints, differentials, and four-wheel/all-wheel-drive systems.
Prerequisite notes: You cannot take AUTC 228 or AUTC 233 until you complete AUTC 101, 112, and 117 with a 2.0 or higher.
Course ID
Course Name
AUTC 228
Engine Repair and Shop Computations YES 8
AUTC 233
Manual Drivetrain and Axles YES 8

Quarter 5

[Spring] Quarter 5 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $2,304
Description: In this quarter, you learn to diagnose and repair all of the following: automatic transmissions and transaxles; ignition, fuel, emissions, and on-board diagnostic computer systems; and air induction, exhaust systems, and emissions controls, and related systems.
Prerequisite notes: You cannot take AUTC 204 or AUTC 216 until you complete AUTC 101, 112, and 117 with a 2.0 or higher.
It's time to apply for your certificate of completion!
You finish the Automotive Technology certificate this quarter.
Course ID
Course Name
AUTC 204 Automatic Transmissions TBD 6
AUTC 216 Engine Performance and Emissions TBD 10

Estimated Cost for Your Certificate of Completion: $15,060
($12,060 for tuition, fees, and protective equipment, plus $3,000 for all tools)

Continue with Quarter 6 classes to earn your Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree.


Quarter 6

[Summer] Quarter 6 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,436
Description: You take the first two of four General Education classes for your associate degree; one is math, and the other is social science. Recommendations are included below, but you have many choices.
Course ID
Course Name
AMATH 175 Financial Math
or other General Education mathematics class
NO 5
ANTH&106 American Mosaic
or other General Education social science class
NO 5

Quarter 7

[Fall] Quarter 7 Course Information
Estimated Tuition and Fees: $1,436
Description: You take the last two of four General Education classes for your associate degree; one is communication OR humanities, and the other is any general education elective. Recommendations are included below, but you have many choices.

It's time to apply for graduation! You finish the Automotive Technology AAS degree this quarter.
Course ID
Course Name
COMP 100
or CMST&101
Applied Composition
or Introduction to Communication
or another communications or humanities class
NO 5
BUS&101 Introduction to Business
or any other General Education Class
NO 5

Estimated Cost for Your AAS Degree: $17,931
($14,931 for tuition, fees, and protective equipment, plus $3,000 for all tools)

Not quite the career path you want to take? Let's go back to the Program Map!

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